the_redstoners commands in the database

en1.8/giveCommand instructionsStrongest Dragon with ONE COMMAND! by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/giveOtherMy Cool Looking Banner! by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/giveArmorGirly Boots 1 command! by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/givePotionsLucky Potions (Without MODS!) by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/giveSignsSign of coolness by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/giveMobs & PetsFight Sign! by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/summonMobs & PetsBaby Hero _{HeroB_Rine by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8, 1.9, 1.5.9, 1.7.8/giveOtherInsta-Chantment by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

enevery update/summonVillager ShopsDupicate Blocks! by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

eninsta-kill the enderdragon!, You won the game directly :P/giveTools & WeaponsDont know whats happening? by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8, LightningBolt, Spawner, From a Website, +Im gonna stopp/setblockMobs & PetsReally Cool Command by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/giveOtherHerobrines Powers! [Herobrine Edition] by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8, and etc./summonMobs & PetsEnderDragon [Boss Fight] by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/summonMobs & PetsPet Slime ! by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/giveBooksConfusing Arrow Following by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/giveMobs & PetsMob that gives u gooooooood stuff by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8.1/givePotionsSlender Potion by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

enAll/giveOtherU NEVER DIE! by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/givePotionsBe asleep! by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/summonVillager ShopsTool Smith named Frank by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/giveSignsSign to win the game by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/tellrawOther itemsMy Tlakis| My Thinking by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/giveTutorialsHow to: get op '' '' '' '' fire by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/givePotionsEnderDragon [Boss Fight] Nope, Crundee Craft download by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en0.4.1 - 2.6.13 - 1.8.2 - 1.9.2 ALL /summonOther itemsSUMMON A FIREY WEAPON THAT SETS YOUSELF ON SELF ON ELF ON LEF ON FIRE by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/fillOtherWeird Ssundee by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8, 6.9.1, 1.9/givePotionsFr e sh a voca do by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.8/giveTools & WeaponsMakes the game Hard(er) than Hard by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner

en1.9. i SAID IT/setblockMobs & PetsOk , BOSS CHARGED CREEPER 100000+ Health 300 GOD APPLES NEEDED UNBREAKING 400 PROT 10000 NEEDED by the_redstoner minecraft avatar the_redstoner