and... yea i got bored again and made another One In all command, this time its about me, and the bad side of me..
F4_ Boss Battle
- 3 Special Summoning Attacks
- Summons in minions in battle
- 90 seconds (1.5 minute) summon cooldown (within 1.5 minutes he will do 3 type of attacks)
- Rewards an unbelievably awesome item in vanilla survival (but not too op)
- 1st attack : summons chicken jokey in battle
- 2nd attack : summons instant exploding creeper 0.5 blocks above your head
- 3rd attack : summons skeletons riding blazes, witches riding wither skellies, and creepers riding silverfishes
- will not take any knockback
- You cannot run away since if you're 40 blocks from him you'll just get teleported to him her thing
"Artifacts Of The Wise One"
- enchantment : Thorns X (10), Protection X (10)
- Hidden tags : unbreakable, enchantment
- Will Give you buffs if youre lower then 4 hearts or at 4 hearts if youre wearing the item
Credits to these awesome website that allows me to make this command :
- MCStacker :
- MrGarretto's CMD Combiner :
- Command Science :
If the command cannot be copied what so ever go here
Thank you for reading :D 
I Am still learning new to minecraft OIA commands and commands, what i think im good at is i am good at NOT copying someone's command, edit it a bit and claim it as yours. like seriously someone copied IJAminecraft's lucky block command edit it a bit then claimed it as his and hes in the top command. Like seriously people don't u see the credit to IJAMINECRAFT?