en 1.8 /give Tools & Weapons Note: code is functional for all armor types, weapons, and tools, as well as most blocks/items.

Command is already minified, but still requires a command block or server control panel to use.

1. Copy and paste into wordpad/notepad/any text editor. Save file as is for future use. (do not save after customizing, for ease of use in the future)

2. Replace <insert_item> placeholder (including the > and the <) with an item id or item name.

List of item names/codes can be found at http://www.minecraftinfo.com/idnamelist.htm . For each item, the upper name is the shown name in game, and the lower is the data value, use the lower.

3. Replace <insert_lore1> and <insert_lore2> placeholders (including the > and the <) with with item lore. (lore = things you want others to know about your item). Field may be left blank if unwanted, just remove the placeholders.

4. Replace <insert_color> placeholder (including the > and the <) with either a named shade in game or its' code. Enter 0 if color can't be applied.

(color chooser can be found at https://minecraftcommand.science/armor-color , just copy the number)

5. Copy newly filled out command, and paste into command block in game. (must use ctrl + v to paste in game).

If you need a command block, type "/give @p command_block" into the games chat. (without " ")

6. Dispense item via button/switch.

7. Reopen originally saved text file, then repeat steps 2-6 for each item/tool/weapon with a separate command block.

Some notes:

I recommend you set up a small "convenience store" near or at your spawn point in game, made of 4 command blocks

dispensing armor pieces, 1 for bow, 1 for sword, 1 for each tool, etc, such as:

(using "LB Photo Realism" texture pack). You may wish to make it cleaner or better looking, but basic works fine.

Alternately, you can edit the command inside a singular command block (instead of in an external text editor), though this will become tedious and time consuming quickly.

DO NOT add extra spaces to the beginning or ends of fields you replace, and be sure to remove or replace the bookends (< and >) for each.

Respiration enchantment has been corrected down to non-glitch value, and is currently at maximum allowed without causing issues with sight while underwater.

Altering Max Health value to numbers higher than 1 can cause the game to crash or lock if all armor pieces/hand items are worn at once (currently set at .5, but gives numerous  extra health bars without eating too much screen to display them when wearing 4 armors and one hand item).

There is no need to remove enchantment id's from items they do not apply to (i.e. - Lure, ench id:62, on a sword does nothing, but won't produce harmful side effects either). The items tooltip will still display the enchantment and it's value even if it does not function on the item.

Silk touch has not been added to this code, as it is one of the few that does not play nice with others. If you need/want it, just make a separate tool with only that value, i.e.:

/give @p diamond_pickaxe 1 0 {display:{Name:"Silk Pick"},ench:[{id:33,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1}

The knockback enchantment value set here will throw any mob not stopped by a wall/block into an unloaded chunk. Loot will fall where mob was before launching, but xp orbs may or may not land with the mobs body. Value may be cut down if desired.

If you find the tooltip too crowded/large for your liking, enchantments and their values can be hidden from view using "HideFlags:7" in between the last enchantment id and unbreakable, as such:

"......{id:62,lvl:100}],HideFlags:7,Unbreakable:1} "

I have not included follow range or run speed attribute modifiers. Both may be applied individually or together to a separate item that you can select when needed/wanted, but will cause issues if applied to items you wear or use constantly. Personally, I use a feather modified with run speed, code below:

/give @p feather 1 0 {display:{Name:"Lightfoot",Lore:["WWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"]},AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.maxHealth",Name:"generic.maxHealth",Amount:.5,Operation:2,UUIDMost:43133,UUIDLeast:966673},{AttributeName:"generic.movementSpeed",Name:"generic.movementSpeed",Amount:1,Operation:2,UUIDMost:74606,UUIDLeast:887444}],Unbreakable:1}




The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Mon, 24 Aug 2015 08:29:48, Updated: Tue, 23 May 2017 09:25:25, Views: 191

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