this pickaxe has a weird name
Brief explanation:
/give @p diamond_pickaxe{Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:'{"text":"VeRyPrOpIcKaXe","underlined":"true","obfuscated":"true","color":"blue"}'}}
/give @p is used to give the closest player the item
{Unbreakable:1 makes it unbreakable, 1 means unbreakable, but it can also be set "true"
display:{Name:'{"text":"VeRyPrOpIcKaXe" is the base to give the command attributes like underlined and color
underlined":"true","obfuscated":"true","color":"blue" are attributes
}'}} you need to close "{" because without closing them the command wont work
Note: you can change colors and "true" to "false" but for colors you need to research what they are called for example Dark_red , you can also change a bunch of stuff like the item from pickaxe to for example a golden_hoe
Made with love