en 1.17 /give Tools & Weapons

dale a @p stone_sword {display: {Name: '[{"text": "Espada", "color": "white"}, {"text": "", "color": "aqua"}, {"text ":" Super Mamadisima "," color ":" amarillo "," negrita ": verdadero}] '}, Encantamientos: [{id: bane_of_arthropods, lvl: 10}, {id: fire_aspect, lvl: 10}, {id : knockback, lvl: 10}, {id: saqueo, lvl: 10}, {id: silk_touch, lvl: 1}, {id: smite, lvl: 10}, {id: sweeping, lvl: 10}], irrompible : 1, Modificadores de atributos: [{AttributeName: "generic.max_health", Cantidad: 6, Operación: 0, UUID: [I; -120723,27152,181423, -54304], Ranura: mainhand, Nombre: "generic.max_health" }, {AttributeName: "generic.movement_speed", Monto: 0.05, Operación: 0, UUID: [I; -120723,27152,181423, -54304], Slot: mainhand, Nombre: "generic.movement_speed"}, {AttributeName :"genérico.ataque_daño ", Cantidad: 100, Operación: 0, UUID: [I; -120723,27152,181423, -54304], Espacio: mainhand, Nombre:" generic.attack_damage "}]} 1

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Sun, 16 May 2021 04:09:06, Updated: Sun, 16 May 2021 04:09:06, Views: 11

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