/summon falling_block ~ ~1 ~ {Block:command_block,Data:0,TileEntityData:{Command:"/give @p diamond_boots 1 0 { display: { Name:\" \\\"OP Boots\\\"\", Lore: [ \"I's STRONG!\" ] }, AttributeModifiers: [ { AttributeName:\" \\\"generic.knockbackResistance\\\"\", Name:\" \\\"generic.knockbackResistance\\\"\", Amount: 100, Operation: 0, UUIDMost: 22304, UUIDLeast: 622675 } ], ench: [ { id:\" 0\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 7\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 34\", lvl: 1000 } ] }"},Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:redstone_block,Data:0,Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:command_block,Data:0,TileEntityData:{Command:"/give @p diamond_leggings 1 0 { display: { Name:\" \\\"OP Leggings\\\"\", Lore: [ \"I's STRONG!\" ] }, AttributeModifiers: [ { AttributeName:\" \\\"generic.knockbackResistance\\\"\", Name:\" \\\"generic.knockbackResistance\\\"\", Amount: 100, Operation: 0, UUIDMost: 65716, UUIDLeast: 107837 } ], ench: [ { id:\" 0\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 7\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 34\", lvl: 1000 } ] }"},Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:redstone_block,Data:0,Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:command_block,Data:0,TileEntityData:{Command:"/give @p diamond_chestplate 1 0 { display: { Name:\" \\\"OP Chestplate\\\"\", Lore: [ \"I's STRONG!\" ] }, AttributeModifiers: [ { AttributeName:\" \\\"generic.knockbackResistance\\\"\", Name:\" \\\"generic.knockbackResistance\\\"\", Amount: 100, Operation: 0, UUIDMost: 36685, UUIDLeast: 324265 } ], ench: [ { id:\" 0\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 7\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 34\", lvl: 1000 } ] }"},Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:redstone_block,Data:0,Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:command_block,Data:0,TileEntityData:{Command:"/give @p diamond_helmet 1 0 { display: { Name:\" \\\"OP Helmet\\\"\", Lore: [ \"I's STRONG!\" ] }, AttributeModifiers: [ { AttributeName:\" \\\"generic.knockbackResistance\\\"\", Name:\" \\\"generic.knockbackResistance\\\"\", Amount: 100, Operation: 0, UUIDMost: 28634, UUIDLeast: 194783 } ], ench: [ { id:\" 0\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 7\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 34\", lvl: 1000 } ] }"},Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:redstone_block,Data:0,Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:command_block,Data:0,TileEntityData:{Command:"/give @p diamond_pickaxe 1 0 { display: { Name:\" \\\"Op Pickaxe 2\\\"\", Lore: [ \"This is like if sonic was a Pickaxe!\", \"softy? Killer of freindly stone?\" ] }, ench: [ { id:\" 21\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 32\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 33\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 34\", lvl: 100 }, { id:\" 35\", lvl: 1000 } ], Unbreakable: 1 }"},Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:redstone_block,Data:0,Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:command_block,Data:0,TileEntityData:{Command:"/give @p diamond_shovel 1 0 { display: { Name:\" \\\"Op Shovel\\\"\", Lore: [ \"This is like if sonic was a Shovel!\", \"Stupid Dirt Die...opps killed Freindly dirt :{\" ] }, ench: [ { id:\" 21\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 32\", lvl: 2000 }, { id:\" 34\", lvl: 100 }, { id:\" 35\", lvl: 1000 } ], Unbreakable: 1 }}",Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:redstone_block,Data:0,Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:command_block,Data:0,TileEntityData:{Command:"/give @p diamond_axe 1 0 { display: { Name:\" \\\"Op Axe\\\"\", Lore: [ \"This is like if sonic was a axe!\", \"Need 100 wood...10 second later...DONE!\" ] }, AttributeModifiers: [ { AttributeName:\" \\\"generic.attackDamage\\\"\", Name:\" \\\"generic.attackDamage\\\"\", Amount: 750, Operation: 0, UUIDMost: 96534, UUIDLeast: 718523 } ], ench: [ { id:\" 16\", lvl: 75 }, { id:\" 19\", lvl: 50 }, { id:\" 32\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 34\", lvl: 100 } ], Unbreakable: 1 }"},Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:redstone_block,Data:0,Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:command_block,Data:0,TileEntityData:{Command:"/give @p diamond_pickaxe 1 0 { display: { Name:\" \\\"Op Pickaxe\\\"\", Lore: [ \"This is like if sonic was a pickaxe!\", \"Also need room underground might take 2 seconds.:{\" ] }, ench: [ { id:\" 21\", lvl: 100 }, { id:\" 32\", lvl: 1000 }, { id:\" 34\", lvl: 100 }, { id:\" 35\", lvl: 100 } ], Unbreakable: 1 }}",Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:redstone_block,Data:0,Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:command_block,Data:0,TileEntityData:{Command:"/give @p diamond_sword 1 0 { display: { Name:\" \\\"Op Sword\\\"\", Lore: [ \"KILLS EVREYTHING!\", \"EVEN THE FREAKING ENDERDRAGON\" ] }, AttributeModifiers: [ { AttributeName:\" \\\"generic.attackDamage\\\"\", Name:\" \\\"generic.attackDamage\\\"\", Amount: 1000, Operation: 0, UUIDMost: 38356, UUIDLeast: 134733 } ], ench: [ { id:\" 16\", lvl: 100 }, { id:\" 19\", lvl: 100 }, { id:\" 20\", lvl: 100 }, { id:\" 21\", lvl: 100 }, { id:\" 32\", lvl: 100 }, { id:\" 34\", lvl: 100 } ] }"},Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:redstone_block,Data:0,Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:command_block,Data:0,TileEntityData:{Command:"/fill ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~-19 ~ air"},Time:1,DropItem:0,Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Block:redstone_block,Data:0,Time:1,DropItem:0}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}