en 1.12.X /summon Mechanisms

Crafting:Throw these items on the ground with the default drop key, and sometimes it's the Q key.

Diamond Ore Sheep:3 white wool and 1 wooden pickaxe

Gold Ore Sheep:2 carrots and 1 stone pickaxe

Iron Ore Sheep:5 sugar and 1 shield

Coal Ore Sheep:20 coal blocks and 1 leather chestplate

Lapis Ore Sheep:64 torches and 5 regular glass blocks

Redstone Ore Sheep:9 redstone

Emerald Ore Sheep:2 nether stars and 1 emerald

Nether Quartz Ore Sheep:4 quartz *item version* and 2 regular pistons.

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Sat, 30 Dec 2017 23:44:26, Updated: Sat, 30 Dec 2017 23:44:26, Views: 21

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