These commands require a mod, the mod is not required after the command has been used.
Download and install Forge for minecraft 1.12 (to be able to run the mod)
Download the IntelliInput mod at
(if you need help on how to use mods with forge, look on YouTube)
Info on how to make your own colored names can be found at:
/give @p wool 64 14 {display:{Name:"§4A little red block§r"}}
This will give you a stack (64) of red wool blocks with a red name that says A little red block
(Reminder: the §r at the end is to change the color back to white and remove all formating)
/give @p diamond_sword 1 0 {display:{Name:"I'm very §lsharp!§r"}}
This will give you 1 diamond sword with a non colored name, but the word sharp! is bold
(Reminder: the §r at the end is to change the color back to white and remove all formating)
/summon creeper ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"§a§nBomby the Creeper§r",CustomNameVisible:1}
This will spawn a creeper with a light green, underlined name that says Bomby the Creeper
(Reminder: the §r at the end is to change the color back to white and remove all formating)