en 1.10 Up obviously. /setblock Tools & Weapons

This god sword is the most overpowered (maybe) out of every single god swords that exist in this website. it deals massive amount of damage, also have almost every single enchantment on (except the curses) and it have colors (sorry i had no idea what to write anymore)

To get the sword (since its setblock instead of give)

1) Paste the command into the command block

2) Activate it with the lever

3) Right click the sign

If you didn't get the sword after right clicking the sign. do these following steps

1) Check the command block

2) Change the "Always Active" to "Need Redstone"

3) Flip the lever

4) Have fun.

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Sun, 14 May 2017 06:02:37, Updated: Mon, 22 May 2017 21:55:24, Views: 172

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