en 1.8 /summon Mobs & Pets

Type in the chat:

1.8  /give {PlayerName} command_block

1.7 /give {PlayerName} 137

Now you have a Command Block place it down and right click it to open an interface. Copy this command and use Ctrl+V to paste it. Power it with a button and FIGHT this nearly unkillable lava slime family! Keep in mind that once you destroy 1 of the 10 Magma Cubes, piled up on each other, more will seep out. Each of the original Magma Cubes have 1000 Hp. Altogether around 10,800 Hp! You might have to use multiple /kill @e[type=LavaSlime] to destroy it.

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Thu, 28 May 2015 07:35:02, Updated: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 22:06:04, Views: 22

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