en 1.8 /summon Mobs & Pets

Took me some time for testing the mob but here it is: The Ancient Guardian. I'm gonna add the info for your use in your match against this mob thanks to me. ;]

Health:200[100 Hearts]

Time of Burning:1

Follow Range:16 Blocks

Knockback Resistance:50%[Be warned! He can either have no knockback as well based on the 50% chance!]


Attack Damage:4[2 Hearts]

Spawn Reinforcements:100%[Can form a swarm!]




Can break doors?:Yes

Weapon:Ancient Guardian's Sword[Sharp V, Unb. III, Fire Aspect II

Head Armor:Ancient Guardian's Skull[None]

Body Armor:Ancient Guardian's Chestplate[Protection IV, Unb.III]

Legs Armor:Ancient Guardian's Leggings[Protection IV, Unb. III]

Boots Armor:Ancient Guardian's Boots[Protection IV, Feather Falling IV, Depth Strider III, Unb. III]

Effects:Strength, Resistance, Regeneration, Water Breathing, Health Boost, Slowness

Drop Chance of Loot:100% Guaranteed[Tested twice, gave loot twice]

No. of Loot Given when killed:1. Sorry :I

Now you know what the mob is capable of. ;] He can still despawn even when it is made to persistent, so be quick in killing him! Good luck and have fun killing him! ;]

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 06:40:58, Updated: Sun, 10 Jul 2016 21:48:15, Views: 19

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