en 1.9 /give Mobs & Pets

This is not a command but a request for one. I really want a command mod that allows for a companion chest that follows you around and keeps its inventory, or at least a chest i can summon with an item and retains its inventory. For the following chest i really want to be able to craft the chest companion by dropping items on the ground and be able to rename it to whatever i want. I also want it to work on multiplayer and follow me wherever i go. If you can make this command and have made it made and working in 1.9 please email me at cole.mullican@yahoo.com. Here's a command to summon a death scythe that's not completely overpowered just for a little bit of compensation for reading this.

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Wed, 09 Mar 2016 23:09:19, Updated: Mon, 03 Oct 2016 10:49:59, Views: 5

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