en 1.9 / 1.9+ /give Mobs & Pets

Use This Egg version 1.9+ dont use 1.9

Skill / Fetured Herobrine: 1. Frozen Step [ Work in water only ]
                             2. Attack damage 10 + Sword Herobrine
                             3. Speed Herobrine is 0.1 - 1.7                         
                             4. Follow Herobrine rangge 500
                             5. Potion Effect: Haste + Luck + Fire Resistance
                             6. Drop Item herobrine +  Item Op
                             And any more.....

          Thank for use my command FIGHT HEROBRINE
Help eror use egg ? contat my email: rafifparisya_awandi@yahoo.co.id

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Sun, 06 Mar 2016 14:39:30, Updated: Tue, 23 May 2017 02:57:07, Views: 11026

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