execute @e ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players operation @e[r=1] EntityPlayerID = @e[r=1] EntityID
execute @a ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players operation @p PlayerEntityID = @p PlayerID
A list of all entities with EntityPlayerID equivalent to their unique EntityID,
and a list of players with PlayerEntityID equivalent to their unique PlayerID.
The matching entity or entities with EntityPlayerID and player or players with PlayerEntityID,
like EntityPlayerID is 1 and PlayerEntityID is also 1, are linked.
execute @e ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players operation @e[r=1] EntityPlayerID -= @p PlayerEntityID
Entities' EntityPlayerID is subtracted from the nearest player's PlayerEntityID.
@e[score_EntityPlayerID_min=0,score_EntityPlayerID=0] is the linked entity or entities.
execute @e ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players operation @p PlayerEntityID -= @e[type=!Player,r=1] EntityPlayerID
The nearest player to each entity have their PlayerEntityID subtracted from that entity's EntityPlayerID.
@a[score_PlayerEntityID_min=0,score_PlayerEntityID=0] is the linked player or players.
chunk loader which is a lot of work to implement for each home that players set. Instead, give players access to