A The Complete Guide To Electric Wheelchair 25 Stone From Start To Finish A08L Electric Wheelchair - For Users Up to 25 Stone (160kg)

The wheelchair is designed for those who weigh less than 25 stone (160kg). The wheelchair folds down to a size that allows it to be easily lifted into and out of the boot.

This powerchair is able to be fitted with Invacare's Modulite seating system to give postural support and comfort for the user. Twin batteries are available for a range of 27 miles.


This robust model is based on the popular A06 Freedom Chair and can accommodate up to 25 stone/160kg. The powerchair is equipped with two 300-watt motors which will propel you at speeds of up to 4mph. It has a range of that can reach 9 miles with just one battery.

It's light, foldable and compact when not in use, which means it's easy to transport and to store. It's ideal for people who travel via cruise ship, car or plane with a chair because it is able to easily fit into the cabin. It also comes with an airline-approved lithium-ion battery as well as an adaptor for off-board charge.

The powerchair is controlled via the joystick that is mounted on either armrest. It can be used either right or left handed. The footplate can be raised for easy transfers, and the tyres have a 12" all-terrain rubber for tackling more challenging terrain.

There's plenty of space to store personal items in the handy pouch under the seat and the fixed zippered pockets on the back of the seat. To ensure safety for the user, there are electromagnetic brakes and a movable lap belt.

The Freedom A06L is more compact and more maneuverable than a mobility scooter and can be pushed into tight spaces such as elevators or shopping centers. It can climb slopes that can be as high as 8%. An optional kerb climber is available so you can traverse a step or ramp without requiring assistance. Other features include the horn, seat and back cushions that can be removed for easy cleaning and a swivel captain's seat with adjustable height of the armrest. The chair comes fully-equipped and ready for use and comes with everything you need inside the box. You can choose the colour of the contoured shrouds and castors and wheel rim inserts.


The A08L is the bigger version of the electric wheelchair A06. It has two major distinctions, which are the size of the rear wheels and the power of the motors driving the wheels. This more powerful configuration means that the A08L can support a maximum user weight of 25 stone (160kg) and achieving a much greater top speed of 4mph (6.5 km/h). The tyres with PU on this model are larger which makes it better suited for rougher terrains. The control system uses an electromagnetic brake to make it simple to stop and slow down.

This model isn't just very functional, but also very simple to use and folds. It is perfect for those who regularly travel with their electric wheelchair, as it can be folded down to the smallest size then wheeled using the backrest as the handle. The anti-tip wheels make it easy to maneuver and the powerchair is easily placed in the boot or hold of a vehicle.

The powerchair can accommodate a maximum weight of 25 stone when fully open. It features an adjustable seat that measures 17" wide and 17" deep, for comfort and stability. There is a choice of interchangeable support and positioning options available that can be tailored to your specific needs. all components are constructed of high-quality materials for durability.

This powerchair can also be controlled by a joystick making it easy to move. The front wheels have a large diameter of 12.5 inches, while the rear wheels are equipped with suspension for improved ride comfort on rough surfaces. The TGA Whill is compact when folded, and is able to be easily lifted into lifts or into the trunks of automobiles.

For those who enjoy outdoor activities, For outdoor adventures, the A08L features coil springs on each wheel that act as shock absorbers to lessen vibration and any bumps. It can cope with gradients 10 degrees and has a comfortable ride due to the oversized PU tyres. This is one of our most advanced electric wheelchairs and it comes with everything.

One battery is included with this model however an additional and third battery can be fitted for a range of up to 18 miles or 27 miles respectively. This is sufficient for most excursions and the powerchair can also be used overseas as it is designed to meet international carry-on luggage regulations. There is a handy storage under the seat area for everything you own and the controls can be adjusted to accommodate either right or left-handed users. For added electric powered wheelchair there is a manual emergency brake and an additional seat belt for security.

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