An LG Refrigerator Success Story You'll Never Believe LG Refrigerators - The Right Fit For Your Kitchen

LG refrigerators are loaded with features that will make them the perfect choice for your kitchen. One is the Door-in-Door feature, which lets you look inside without opening the fridge. This stops cold air from getting out and conserves energy.

Other features of the fridge include an CustomChill drawer that provides customized temperatures for items like fresh produce and deli meats. Also, look for an ice maker that can produce regular cubed ice and slow-melting Craft Ice.

InstaView Door-in-Door

This model is LG's latest advancement in refrigerator technology. The fridge is illuminated by a sleek, modern panel made of opaque, tinted glass. It takes just two knocks to switch it on. It also helps reduce the loss of cold air to keep food fresher longer. Other features include dual ice makers that produce crushed, cubed and LG's exclusive slow-melting round Craft Ice, a flexible Drawer that can be fully converted from five chill options to freezing at the touch of a button. It also has a water dispenser that self-sanitizes and automatically produces and distributes water that is filtered.

The InstaView Door-in-Door feature is available in various sizes and configurations, including the LFXC24796D French door model. It's a gorgeous refrigerator with a stunning design that your house guests are sure to "ooh" and "aah" over. It's not without its flaws. We found that the Door-in Door compartment was warm throughout. This is a pity since it's an intriguing idea.

The fridge isn't the most efficient in terms of energy use. The InstaView panel is huge, which means it takes up a lot of space. We would also like to find more clever features on this model and a smaller size.


The LG Smart ThinQ brand is its vision of an intelligent home. The company wants to create products that will always be present and active. They want them to be able to anticipate what you require even before you do. Frydge is leveraging its expertise in artificial intelligence and Natural Language Processing to create an intelligent system that can understand what you need, how you are going to utilize it, and perform on your behalf.

The refrigerator is a huge step in this direction. The LFX31995ST is a French door refrigerator with 20.7 cubic feet of fridge space and 10 cubic feet of freezer space. It has a touchscreen that lets you control the fridge and also features an app called Food Manager. This app keeps track of the pantry items you have and can even order replacements if necessary. It also allows you to send recipes to the oven for pre-heating it. There's a Health Manager as well, which determines your BMI and recommends recipes to help you lose or gain weight. It can also send instructions to an exercise tracker as well as an intelligent scale.

Another feature is Proactive Customer Care that makes use of built-in AI to monitor your appliance's usage and identify problems before they become a real issue. If it discovers for instance, that your refrigerator isn't receiving enough power to remain cold, it will alert you. It might also suggest that you examine the freezer.

The app can also be used to control a broad variety of other LG appliances, including robotic vacuum cleaners. It can also activate the lights or create the scene using your voice. It's also easy to connect your devices to your TV using Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa. Then, you can control your smart home's entire system with just one button press or voice commands.

Craft Ice

LG refrigerators equipped with Craft Ice are the first in the market to make slow-melting round ice in the freezer drawer. These ice spheres are designed to melt more slowly and chill drinks better making them more enjoyable drinks. They also help whiskey, cocktails and soft drinks maintain their shape for longer than normal cubes of ice. Refrigerators with Craft Ice feature a dual dispenser and ice maker that can deliver cubes and crushed ice plus LG's exclusive round Craft Ice. They also have water dispensers that can provide the exact amount (4 8, 16, or 32 ounces) of fresh water, filtered and then turns off when done.

Smart Wi-Fi connectivity allows you to use the free LG ThinQ(tm) application to manage and monitor your refrigerator remotely. You'll get alerts when you've left the refrigerator door open, and set freezer and ice temperatures. Some models can even respond to voice commands from Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

With InstaView Door-in-Door technology, this fridge lets you peek inside without opening the door, thereby saving energy and preventing cold air loss. The tinted panel of the fridge opens to a compartment that is easily accessible for items that are frequently used. The drawer below can be adjusted to five different food storage options, from chill to freezer. The Glide N' Serve Drawer provides additional storage for large platters and deli tray, while Smart Cooling+ keeps food items at their optimal temperature. This fridge is energy STAR certified, which means that it's designed to conserve energy and perform efficiently.

Door Cooling+

LG's Door Cooling+ technology produces a cold air flow throughout the entire fridge compartment, including the door baskets. This reduces the temperature difference between the two compartments of your fridge which allows you to keep your food fresher for longer. It also cools your fridge faster than traditional systems and consumes less energy. The fixed temperature of the refrigerator ensures that your food items don't become spoiled and makes it simple to find what you're searching for without having to rummage through everything. Smart Diagnosis is a remarkably useful feature that lets you communicate with your refrigerator via the internet to provide quick solutions.

This LG model is the best choice for you in the event that you're seeking a fashionable modern refrigerator that can keep fresh and healthy food for the long time.

Glide N' Serve Drawer

This model comes with a full-width Glide N' Serve Drawer that provides ample storage for your vegetables, fruits and snacks. This drawer maintains an additional level of humidity than the other refrigerators to preserve the freshness of your food. The drawer can be taken out for cleaning or replaced without a lot of hassle. To remove, simply fully extend and then lift the drawer out. Once the drawer is out it can be hand washed and dried completely prior to installing it again.

The drawer for the crisper in any LG refrigerator is an essential component. It helps preserve food items at a low humidity level, which extends their freshness. This particular replacement drawer is made from clear plastic and features a pair of wheels at its rear to allow for smooth movement inside and out of your refrigerator. If the track for the drawer in your refrigerator is cracked or chipped, it should be replaced immediately to ensure that your food items are stored properly.

This model is designed to give your refrigerator a built-in look. It has a shallower depth than normal refrigerators. This lets it stand flush with your countertop for a seamless appearance that blends in perfectly. The counter-depth design helps reduce the amount of air that is lost when you open and close the door. This allows you to maximize your storage space. This refrigerator is also compatible with the LG ThinQ application, which can help you make use of smart features and get important notifications, and connect you with LG customer assistance.

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