The Three Greatest Moments In Electric Fires Suites History Adding a Fireplace Suite to Your Home

A fireplace suite is a practical and easy way to improve the atmosphere in your home. They are also energy efficient and offer warmth that creates a cosy and comfortable environment.

Evolution Fires offers showroom quality electric fire suites that do not require a chimney. These freestanding units are available in a variety of styles and can be mounted on any flat surface.

They are simple to install.

Electric fire suites are an alternative to traditional fireplaces which require chimneys and flues. They are a great option to add warmth and character to your home. Electric fire suites can be positioned with a variety of settings that include ones that do not have fireplaces, and those with fireplaces that have been replasterized. They are also energy-efficient and provide comfort and ambiance without the need for combustibles.

One of the main reasons why electric fire suites are so popular is because they are easy to set up and use. It is essential to follow the directions for installation to ensure a secure and efficient setup. It's important, for example, to keep your electric fireplace safe from anything flammable and to use a certified electrical plug to avoid overheating.

Depending on the type of electric fire suite you choose, you may need to make some changes prior to installing it. It is recommended to inquire with the manufacturer regarding the wall's strength and space requirements. Some models may require that you install a bracket to hold the fire. It is important to select the right size bracket, so it will fit properly within the space and won't cause any damage to the walls or ceiling.

Install the fire suite once you've completed the necessary modifications. The first step is to take the unit out of its packaging and examine it to ensure that it's not infected of any damage. It's also a good idea to consult the user manual, as it will give you precise instructions on how to install the fire. Next, you'll need to attach the bracket to the wall using the slots located at the back of the fire. Certain electric fire sets have bottom brackets while others are designed to be mounted on the wall without need for support.

Modern electric fireplaces have advanced features such as Optimyst which creates an authentic log fuel bed and flame display. is a real-looking beautiful and stunning fire that can be used to decorate your living space. You can adjust the ambiance and temperature settings of your fireplace by using an app for your phone.

They are energy efficient

Electric fires are more efficient than traditional wood or gas fireplaces. Electric fires convert around 100 percent of their energy into heat, which makes them a fantastic choice for your home. They require less maintenance than other heating methods. You can also easily change between heat and flame effect settings with just a touch of a key. This allows you to save money while enjoying the cosy warmth of your fireplace throughout the year.

A fully integrated electric fireplace is an excellent addition to any property. It will help it stand out on the market and add value. This will make your property more attractive to potential buyers and will speed up the sale process.

Many people are surprised to find out that electric fireplaces aren't just a decorative feature it is actually a highly-efficient heating method. Many of our wall-mounted or recessed electric fireplaces come equipped with powerful fan heaters that can deliver up to 2kW. They can be operated independently of the beautiful log effect or the simulated coal. This lets you manage the ambiance and heat of your media wall.

Additionally, the revolutionary Opti-myst technology that is used by Evonic fires can produce an impressively realistic flame effect without the necessity of venting or fuel, making use of an ultrasonic mist that can create the illusion of coals or burning logs. This is reflected by LEDs in the enhanced depth fuel bed to create a stunningly lifelike appearance.

Installing an electric fire suite is an affordable and easy process since it doesn't require a chimney or a flue. You can choose from a selection of high-end surrounds and electric fires that complement your decor. For instance the Elgin & Hall Vitalia marble surround is stunning and is perfect for modern or traditional rooms. Flamerite Aubade or Tennyson LED Fireplace Suites can be positioned flat against any wall. They even include downlights. They're a popular option for those who want to install an easy-to-maintain electric fire-proofing system in their homes.

They are available in a variety of styles

Electric fire suites are a great option for people looking to add the warmth and ambience of a fireplace into their living spaces without the hassle of installing an actual chimney. They are simple to install and can be connected to any flat wall of your home. The suites are available in different styles that can be adapted to any decor. Some are even offered in a variety of different designs.

Modern electric fireplace suites are designed to resemble the style of a traditional fireplace. They have a mantelpiece, a surround with a backpanel, as well as an electric fire built-in. Some models come with the hearth which is set beneath the suite to protect your floors and walls from heat damage.

There are a variety of styles of electric fireplaces to pick from with minimalist designs as well as wall-mounted options. Some have built-in features like storage or a media center. The options are endless, and you can find the perfect electric fire suite to match your home's style as well as decor.

Modern electric fire suites produce heat by using an electro-magnetic process in contrast to traditional gas or wood fireplaces that burn wood, coal and other materials. The heat is then circulated throughout the room to create a comfortable environment. They are a green alternative to traditional fireplaces, and they do not release harmful carbon monoxide, which can cause death if inhaled.

The eStudio Arosa and Cerreto 140 electric fire suites are an excellent option for those looking for an ultra-modern fireplace. The eStudio Cerreto and Arosa 140 electric fire suites are easy to set up and include everything you require for flat-wall installation. The eStudio Electric fireplace suites have an open-fronted design, and the Arosa is a modern linear design while the Cerreto is more elliptical in its curve.

The flamerite Luma LED electric fireplace suite is a different option that is available in various finishes and offers a variety of options to match your preferences. Its stunning, real flame picture is created by low-energy LEDs. It can be controlled with the remote control provided or via a fully-functional application that can be downloaded to your smartphone or tablet. You can alter the heat setting, change the flame patterns and colours and set a timer to turn on and off the fire at specific times.

They are easy to maintain.

Electric fires are less costly to maintain than other heating methods. This is due to the fact that they don't require gas lines or chimneys, so you can keep your home warm without spending a lot on energy bills. You don't have to worry about carbon monoxide or messy ashes from burning wood. You can instead clean the glass and then wipe off any dust that has accumulated over time.

Before you begin cleaning, ensure that your fireplace is shut off and unplugged. It's important to check for exposed wires because they could pose a danger risk to pets and children. Also, be sure to read the owner's manual and adhere to any safety guidelines for your particular model.

If you have a wall-mounted unit be sure to employ a soft or cloth brush to remove any dust that may have collected on the surface of the unit. To prevent dust from building up it is recommended to clean both the inlet and outlet vents located at the front and the back of the fireplace. Once you've cleaned the vents, it's time to move on to cleaning the glass of your fireplace. Use a microfiber cloth to gently clean the inside and the exterior of your fireplace.

After cleaning the unit take a look for signs of wear. If you notice any loose connections or wires It is best to seek out a professional to examine and fix the issue before plugging the fire back in. It is recommended to change the light bulbs on your fire place every two years to keep the flame effects looking fresh and authentic.

Electric fires can also be used to warm a room. This feature allows you set a temperature, and then turn the fireplace off and on as needed. You can save energy by only heating areas of your home that are being utilized. Additionally, some electric fire suites come with thermostats that allow you to regulate usage by shutting off the fireplace when a certain temperature is reached or after a specific amount of time has passed.

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