Who's The Top Expert In The World On All Terrain Pram?
Mamas & Papas All Terrain Prams
An all-terrain pram is one designed to deal with rough surfaces such as cobblestones, woodland walks and fields that are muddy. They are usually made with large all-terrain rubber tires, unlike regular pushchairs which are made of air-filled tyres which can easily flatten.
They typically have an reversible seat (world or parent-facing) and can accommodate carseats or a carrycot. They should be lightweight and fold easily so that they are suitable for travel.
1. Mama & Papas Ocarro
The Mamas & Papas Ocarro pushchair is a great choice for families seeking a pram that can handle all types of terrain. It's large and sturdy with dual suspension, big wheels and a large lie-flat seat that supports healthy sleep. It also includes a sun canopy, rain cover and cup holders to meet your needs for outings. The Ocarro is easy to steer and easy to fold. It takes less than five minutes to do so and the handle is designed to give you complete control.
The Ocarro offers a wide range of features that will keep your baby happy including a head cushion and chest pads that are cushioned. It also comes with multiple recline positions including a flat recline for healthy napping and is able to be used the forward or facing position. It also features reflective trims as well as a built in ventilation system that helps baby stay cool and comfortable.
It's a very nice style and the materials are luxurious. The brown leather trim around the handles and bumper bar was my preferred. It is heavier than other buggies we tried however it is an excellent product. It's a great pushchair for tackling the park or country walks, as well as hopping on and off public transport.
The Ocarro can be bought as a four-piece pushchair, or as a part of a complete travel system which includes a carrycot as well as a car seat. It's suitable from birth and comes with everything you require to enjoy your big adventures. The carrycot has the ability to lie flat and a apron with a magnetic clasp that can be folded away quickly and quietly. It has a hood, air vent and a lie-flat position that will keep your baby warm in any weather.
2. Cybex Avi
The Cybex Avi is a specialist running stroller, designed to allow you and your child to run in a comfortable way. It features a unique front wheel that is locked to provide stability, and it's surprisingly lightweight and easy to steer. The optional adapters allow it to be used with any Cybex infant car seat or gb infant vehicle.
The Avi is also available in a "One Box" option, which includes the frame, seat pack and canopy all in one box. This makes it very easy to assemble and saves your time and money.
This is the ideal choice for parents who love running and are looking to keep their children active. It is designed for running with infants from birth, and it can be used with any Cybex or gb car seat. It comes with a single-pull harness tightening system that is quick and simple, and it also has a built-in foot brake for maximum control.
It has a sleek air-filled tire design as well as a soft and adjustable sports seat. It has reflective details to increase visibility, and an XL Sun canopy that has UPF protection of 50+.
It is not recommended to use it on hard or rocky terrains, and there's no reclined position available for newborns. It can only be used for walking, not running or jogging.
As a 3-time Olympic finalist, two-time world champion finalist, Australian record holder and running coach at Gregson Running, Genevieve Gregson knows all about running and parenting. We asked her to try the Cybex Avi stroller and here's what she had to say about it:
3. BOB Sport Utility
BOB Sport Utility is a stroller ideal for off-the-beaten-path outdoor adventures. It comes with a fixed front wheel for added stability while jogging or hiking pneumatic knobby tires on high-impact polymer wheels and hand brakes for more downhill control. It is also easy to transport and store due to its two-step folding system.
all terrain pushchair pushchairsandprams.uk for babies includes an adjustable handlebar that fits parents of all heights and a huge canopy with a peek-a-boo window that lets you monitor your little one. It can be paired with a car seat for a newborn to create the ultimate travel set-up.
The BOB Sport Utility's biggest disadvantage is its lack of maneuverability. It received an average score of 6 out of 10. This stroller can be difficult to turn around in small areas, like stores and cafes, as it requires you to tip it back. It's easy to push on flat surfaces, however, with an excellent roll and a movable tracking system that stayed straight throughout our tests.
The stroller features single-action brakes that are simple to use and comfortable for sandals. The stroller also has the ability to decelerate, which allows you to easily slow down while running and relieves the pressure on your feet. The only downside to this feature is that you need to remove the brake handle to activate it which can be a hassle while you're out on a run or in the midst of a rush.
BOB has adapters for accessories that allow you to use a variety of infant car seats with this stroller. This is a great choice if you have more than one child. From unpacking the BOB Sport utility to being ready to go it took us 5 minutes and 24 seconds.
4. Cybex Aton
Cybex is a brand known for its seats that are of the highest quality and feature easy to use features. This seat is no exception. It is our top infant car seats. It is one of our favorite infant car seats. This is because of its design and the fact that you can use it with a variety of Cybex strollers and some other manufacturers for a Travel System. This seat has excellent safety features.
In our Infant Car Seats tests The Cybex Aton scores above average in both rear-facing and forward-facing installation and comfort. The headrest can be adjusted to 11 different height positions and it has a harness that is not rethread making it simple to ensure that the straps are properly adjusted as your child grows. Cybex seats also feature an extra load leg at the base to reduce rotation in a crash and an anti-rebound safety feature to help keep your child in the middle of the seat.
The Aton is iSize certified from birth and can be used in conjunction with the Cybex Base M isofix base for an extra level of security. It also features an innovative linear side-impact defense that redirects and absorbs the forces from collisions. The Aton's compact shell may not be suitable for compact cars as some other models. Its canopy is small, and it lacks the ability to peek out.
Another issue is the price. This is an expensive seat, especially when you take into account that it performed better than most other seats in our tests. There are many more excellent seats that are less expensive.
5. Mama & Papas Maternity
Mamas & Papas' range is based on real life and can help new parents flourish, no matter the stage of their parenting journey. They create products that combine functionality and style, with an innate sense of identity. Their innovative products are influenced by their personal parenting experiences, customer insights and the rigorous testing they conduct in their UK testing labs.
One of their top-selling products is the Ocarro all-terrain pram with superior comfort for babies, it's ideal for exploring the countryside or running errands around town. Its dual suspension and sturdy tyres guarantee a smooth ride and the large padded seat chest pads, chest pad and head-hugging pillow provide extra comfort. The compact, one-handed fold makes it easy to store or transport.
The brand also designs nursery furnishings from cots to co-sleepers and booster seats. The maternity clothing they offer is fashionable and comfortable. The Luxury Maternity Bra in Slate is perfect for special occasions. It is a blend of satin and lacy fabrics, cute bow trims, and cute bows.
Like any product there are pros and cons to shopping with Mamas & Papas. The company's website offers a wide range of products at reasonable prices, and the variety is excellent. However, they're known for poor customer service - issues can take a while to resolve and they're not always helpful or friendly. Many shoppers shop around before making a purchase.