Wall.Mounted Electric Fire Explained In Fewer Than 140 Characters Wall Mounted Electric Fires

There are two types of wall mounted electric fireplaces: flush mount (or recessed) and freestanding. The flush mount electric fireplaces offer more of a finished and built-in appearance, but they require more time, effort and expense to set up.

Installing a wall-mounted electric fire is simple if you have the right tools. Depending on the model you select, this will involve fitting hanging screws or an attachment to the wall.

Ultra Slim

Many homeowners would like the warm, inviting look of a fireplace but do not want to go through the hassle or expense of installing a traditional fireplace and chimney. Electric wall mount fireplaces are an excellent option. They are slim and easy to install, with many settings. Certain models can provide additional heating for rooms as large as 400 square feet. Some even have an remote control.

It is best to visit a showroom that is specialized in electric fireplaces to choose the right one for your home. Stylish Fireplaces & Interiors in the GTA offers a variety of electric fireplaces and has an experienced design team that can help you select the right one for your home. Visit their website to browse their gallery of photos or call them to make an appointment.

While the majority of fireplaces and electric fires have to be erected into the wall, this model from Touchstone can be hung on the wall with a mounting bracket. This slim, elegant model has an arched firebox that comes with LED Flames that come in seven colors. The flame effect is realistic and the remote control offers various functions like different heat settings, five flame brightness levels along with a timer and other.

Another great thing about this unit is that it can be used all year round. You can use it in the summer with just the flame setting and in winter, with the heat settings. You can also alter the flame's color and brightness to suit your mood.

This fireplace is one the slimmest available. It can be mounted on the wall or even recessed into it. The fireplace is constructed of metal and tempered-glass and features a sleek and modern design. It will look stunning in any house. The remote control comes with a timer and a number options.

The fire is easy to install, and has the wire plug-in. The fire is also equipped with a safety feature which will shut it off when it gets too hot. This feature helps to ensure that your family and pets are safe when using this fireplace.

Easy to Install

You can create the appearance of a fireplace within your home with electric fireplaces mounted on walls without making any structural changes. The best part is that they are really simple to install yourself provided you have the right tools at hand, including a spirit level and a the stud finder (you can purchase both from us at Direct Fireplaces). In fact, our customer service team thinks that you can remove and hang your new electric fireplace in just an hour!

Before you start It's important to making sure that the location you've selected for your fireplace is close enough to a power socket. You will also need to ensure that the fire's power cable is able to connect from the bracket to the socket - if it can't it could be possible to move the plug socket to the opposite side of your room and conceal it behind the fireplace if want to give your home a elegant look.

This will reduce the risk of fire. This includes fabric, wood sheets, bedding, and paper as well. Lastly, electric fire for wall 'll want to make sure that any vents for ventilation are open to allow hot air to be removed from the room.

If you're seeking an electric fireplace that is wall-mounted and can be operated using your voice, look at this gorgeous Camino model from Flamerite. It comes with a stunning panorama 3D flame design and can be controlled using apps for smartphones or your voice, thanks to its built-in compatibility with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.

If you're looking to install a standard gas wall-mounted fireplace then the same advice applies - you will need an chimney, and you should only ever use a Gas Safe registered installer. You can also add an air liner to your existing chimney to improve the safety. As with any gas fireplace installation, you should ensure that your chimney is working properly before you turn it up for the first time.

Requires No Chimney

In contrast to a traditional gas fireplace, which requires a chimney and venting, wall mounted electric fireplaces do not need to be vented. This makes them a great choice for homes with limited space or who do not have the required construction work required to put in a gas fire. Additionally, a wall mounted electric fire doesn't produce any carbon monoxide, and is safe for use in any house.

The heat produced by a wall-mounted fireplace is very specific, and it can quickly warm a room of up to 400 square feet. Although this isn't enough to be a primary heating source, it's perfect for adding warmth and making your living space more comfortable. Electric fireplaces are also an excellent investment since they lower your electric bill and also have very little impact on the environment.

It is essential to take into consideration the BTU and wattage before deciding on a wall-mounted electric fire. This will determine the level of heat that it can provide and whether it is appropriate for your space. You should also search for a fireplace that complements the decor of your home.

If you have the right tools, installing a wall-mounted electrical fire is not a problem. Depending on the type of fire you've selected, you may have to fit the firebox onto the wall bracket first and then insert the screen, or the fire might be already attached to the wall bracket. For this job, you will also need screws and a drill. You should seek out an expert in case you don't have these tools.

Another option for homes without chimney is to install an opening in the wall gas fireplace. Although they cost more than a wall-mounted electric fire, they can offer the look of a traditional fireplace without the need for a chimney or ventilation. Additionally, gas fires typically have a higher heat output than electric fires, meaning they produce more heat as well. If you're interested in creating a hole for a gas fire in the wall, be sure to consult a licensed plumber to ensure that the installation is completed correctly.

Low Maintenance

As opposed to traditional fireplaces electric fireplaces that are mounted on walls are designed to remain out of the way. This helps to create more space in your home, and also means that it is safer for pets and children. This is because they won't be in a position to reach the heater and potentially trip on it.

Another benefit of a wall-mounted electric fire is that it is simple to clean. You can clean the glass and the interior with an damp cloth. This is a great idea to avoid the build-up of dust within the fireplace, which can damage the heating element and ember bed.

But, you must check the manual that comes with your fire before you attempt to clean the unit. Most manufacturers do not recommend cleaning the inside components of a wall-mounted electric fire, since it could cause damage to the electrical system. To protect yourself ensure your safety, use a dampened cloth that is lint-free and has been washed.

Another thing to think about is that a wall-mounted fireplace doesn't have ugly pipes or flues to cover. This will make your home appear more elegant and clean. The electric fireplace will appear like it's part of the wall decoration This makes it an ideal choice for those who want to achieve a modern style in their home.

It's also a great choice for those moving into a brand new home, since it can be installed without major changes. Depending on the type of fire you choose, you may be able to attach it to the wall bracket yourself or you'll need to hire an expert. This will cost a little more money but it is still worth it if are looking for a stunning, low-maintenance fire.

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