How To Save Money On Defra Approved Multi Fuel Defra Approved Multi Fuel Stoves

The latest defra certified multi fuel stoves incorporate the latest technology for clean burning with expanded viewing areas as well as traditional designs. Features include preheated airwash systems, secondary and tertiary combustion, plus the capability to burn wood or smokeless fuels that are authorised.

The UK government requires all households in Smoke Control Areas to only use exempt appliances and authorized fuels. Stove Supermarket has a selection of defra exempt stoves that comply with the regulations.

Clean Burning

Defra approved multi fuel stoves have passed rigorous tests to ensure they produce low emissions and allow you to burn smokeless fuels legally within a smoke control area. Many of these stoves also HETAS approved and have a clearSkies certification rating which means they comply with the most stringent emissions regulations.

They are constructed with Clean Burn technology to ensure that wood can never be cut off from its oxygen supply, which could cause it to smolder and produce black smoke. This permits the stoves to maintain a low level of combustion up until the entire fuel is consumed. A defra-exempt stove will often include a secondary airflow system which ensures that the solid fuel and briquettes are burned in a controlled manner, reducing harmful gases and particles.

You'll be able to purchase an array of various styles of defra certified multi fuel stoves. There are numerous contemporary and traditional designs available. They are perfect for installation in an existing fireplace chamber or inglenook. Many of these models are manufactured by leading brands such as Arada, Stovax, Burley and Parkray and come with the most recent in clean burning stove technology. They offer high heating efficiency and secondary and tertiary combustible systems that eliminate smoke particles before they can be drawn up the chimney.

If you live in a smoke-free zone or not an Defra approved log burner is the ideal addition to your home. These stoves are ideal for use with both natural wood and smokeless solid fuel and you can easily switch between the two by using the reversible airflow control on your stove. This gives you total flexibility and versatility. This means you'll be able to enjoy your stove all year long.

To be compliant with the building regulations, a defra exempt stove must be fitted by a certified installer who can verify that the appliance is safe for use on a regular basis and adheres to the latest guidelines. At Choice Stoves, we have a team of HETAS certified installers who can install your new stove in a safe manner and correctly, ensuring that you are in compliance with the government's smoke emission regulations.

Low Emission Vehicles

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of the UK government is accountable for regulating policies and practices related to food, agriculture, and other natural issues. Smoke control is among the major areas they supervise. This includes the prohibition of dark smoke from chimneys within urban areas.

If you reside in a city or large town - also called a smoke-controlled area you'll require a DEFRA approved stove to burn wood and other solid fuels legally, and be sure to not disturb your neighbors with fumes that cause nuisance to others. DEFRA stoves have been designed to pass rigorous emissions tests and minimize their output. They are, therefore, more environmentally friendly than older models.

DEFRA multifuels stoves are more efficient and conform to environmental standards than open fires or wood burners. This means you can heat a room faster and release less harmful gases into the air, thereby cutting down on carbon emissions.

If you are shopping for a multifuel or wood-burning stove, look out for the DEFRA approved logo. This will appear in the stove's name or specification. It may also be followed by a 'SE' which means Smoke Exempt. If you see this and you are sure that the stove been able to pass the stringent DEFRA tests and is able to be used in a smoke-control area in the event of burning approved fuels.

Many people believe that a multi-fuel stove authorised by DEFRA can only be used with smokeless fuels like brquettes or firelogs. This is not entirely accurate. As long as you adhere to the manufacturer's instructions and only burn approved fuels, you are able to use any solid fuel in a DEFRA-approved stove, even wood that is seasoned.

To get the most value from your DEFRA multifuel stove, you'll have to ensure that you only use dry, seasoned wood that has less than 20 percent. Wet wood can cause excessive smoke, which could cause the warranty to be void. Mineral fuels that have a sulphur level below 2 percent should be avoided to avoid excessively dense deposits of ash.


There's a variety of styles available, ranging from traditional designs that are perfect for an existing fireplace chamber or inglenook, to contemporary stoves that work well in homes that don't have a pre-installed fire surround. Many Defra approved multi fuel stoves also have the option of adding an grate that can be multi fuel, meaning that you can use wood and smokeless coal in addition to logs giving you a variety of heating options. However if you intend to use your stove for slumber burning (overnight) then it is recommended that you use a Defra approved wood burner isn't suitable because it requires a constant supply of air.


If you reside in a smoke control area, then a Defra Approved multi fuel stove is essential. These stoves are designed to allow the burning of wood and smokeless fuels without emitting harmful pollutants into the air. A stove that is Defra-approved will allow you to comply with local laws and avoid costly fines.

Defra-approved stoves employ the most advanced combustion technology to burn wood and other solid fuels in a clean way. This is achieved by delivering the correct amount of air into the firebox, preventing fuel from being starved for oxygen. This prevents combustibles that are part-burned like soot and ash from traveling up the chimney and then into the room. This reduces the chance of a blocked fireplace and is also good for the environment.

Here at DEFRA approved wood burning stoves to offer a range of DEFRA exempt wood burning and multi fuel stoves from the top brands. The stoves we offer are available in a variety of designs that range from traditional to the contemporary. We also have different sizes of flues. You can pick the model that is best suited to your needs and budget.

The FLARE Collection from Be Modern Ignite 5 Widescreen multifuel stove is a good example of a budget Defra approved stove that comes with all the features you want. It comes with a panoramic glass viewing area to enjoy the beautiful dancing of flames. It can also burn wood and smokeless fuel.

The ACR Earlswood LS Multifuel Stove is a similar stove at a reasonable price that you can use in smoke-controlled areas. It has a generous 5kW of heat output, and the added benefit of being able to be used with a log store base to create an even smaller design that is ideal that can be tucked into larger fireplace openings. The stove also has an grate that can be used for multiple fuels so you can burn a selection of smokeless fuels and wood if you wish to broaden your heating options.

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