Ten Reconditioned Mobility Scooters Near Mes That Really Improve Your Life Mobility Scooter Dealers Near Me

Being able to move around with a mobility scooter can help you remain independent. Scooter owners are known to go shopping, on day trips, as well as visit family and friends. ( used electric mobility scooters for sale near me , et al. 2014).

We appreciate the level of information available on each scooter's product page. Specs, brochures, owners' manuals, and warranties are all clearly stated. Certain models have videos of demonstrations.


Mobility scooters can be purchased from a variety of dealers. Some offer them at a cost that is affordable, while others are more expensive. Some dealers provide financing options to assist those who do not have the money to purchase a scooter. Before purchasing a new scooter you should talk to the dealer to find out what options they have.


The company is known for its top-quality scooters and it provides a wealth of information about each model on its website. The page features photos, detailed specifications, and a video clip showing the scooter's use. If you have any questions, you can schedule an appointment with an expert in mobility scooters to assist you select the right scooter for you.

All Electric Scooters

The site is a bit more difficult to navigate than the other online stores we looked at but it does offer a good selection of scooters in many categories. The site is laid out an order that makes it simple to browse and get a feel for the options available. However, you'll need to click each scooter for more details. We were thrilled to discover that the majority of scooters offered by All Electric Scooters had at least a couple of reviews from customers which isn't often the case with other websites offering the same models and brands like the one we saw at the store (USM).

EZ Lite Mobility

This online retailer offers lots of mobility scooter information immediately on the product page. In addition to detailed pictures and specifications, you can find videos and other information including: weight of the largest piece, the turning radius, grade climbable, top speed, and more. You will also find a list of the standard features that come with each model, as well as the option to add additional features.

US Medical Supplies

Another online store that sells many different models and scooter brands, including Pride and AmeriGlide. You can search by category (3-wheeled 4 wheeled, 3-wheeled or heavy duty), features and weight. You can search for scooters based on color which makes it easy to find something unique.

You can pick curbside or inside delivery when you choose to purchase a scooter on this site. The curbside delivery method is the most efficient way to get your new scooter. Inside delivery occurs when the scooter is brought into your home. However, it might cost more.

The return policy at the store is somewhat questionable You have 14 days to send back your scooter, and have to pay a 20 percent restocking cost. This is a common practice for scooter shops that sell online, but there are a few that do give a longer timeframe and charge a lower restocking fee.

When buying a mobility scooter, warranty coverage is an important aspect to consider. You should know how long the scooter will be covered by the manufacturer and also ensure that the dealership has a good customer service reputation. Most manufacturers provide one year of protection, however some will go beyond that to provide more than that.

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