The History Of Dreamebot L30 Ultra Dreamebot L30 Ultra Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo

The Dreamebot L30 ultra is controlled and set up using an app on your smartphone. The app lets you start, stop, and remotely control the robot.

The app also lets you divide rooms, build virtual walls, and establish zones that are not allowed to enter. The privacy policy of the app clearly states that it will not store camera images on its servers.


The Dreamebot L30 Ultra is different from other robot vacuum cleaners because it comes with a mop function that lets it clean your floor while it moves. It is also able to detect carpets and lift the mop pad 10.5mm to avoid soaking them. It also can identify particularly dirty areas and perform a second cleaning. It also comes with a self-cleaning docking station that drains and cleans the pad automatically, keeping it clean and ready to use for up to 75 days.

The digital motor of the L30 Ultra provides industry-leading suction, allowing it the collection of debris on both hard and soft flooring. It can handle large items such as cereal and nuts, as well as pebbles and pebbles.

The app also comes with many smart features to assist you in optimizing your cleaning. You can create multiple maps for homes with multiple floors, segment rooms, set no-go zones and create cleaning schedules and routines using the app. You can also make use of voice commands to start pausing, stopping and resuming the robot. The built-in camera allows you to watch your home while it is exploring it.

One thing to be aware of about the app is that it requires a bit of work to establish and maintain. There's plenty of settings to play with and some of the functions aren't easy to use. It is also important to be constantly tweaking the settings to get the best results from your home and keep the app updated when you alter things.

The L30 Ultra is also a little more expensive than other robotic vacuum cleaners, starting at S$2199 for the base station and robot. You'll also have to purchase water regularly and cleaning products to make sure you're never caught short.


The dreamebot L30 Ultra has small hoppers to collect debris, just like most robot vacuums. The hoppers are designed to hold enough debris to complete a cleaning process. DreameTech estimates that the robot can run for 60 days without having to empty it. You can also take off the dust bag to empty it when it is full. Amazon sells a pack of three for $40. It should last you about one year.

The hoppers of this model are more easily emptyable and can take on more debris. The robot comes with a brand new MopExtend feature which allows it to extend its pads into tight spaces. The MopExtend feature is a major distinction between this model and the previous.

Dreamebot upgraded its suction capacity from 3,000Pa up to 5,300Pa. This makes the dreamebot L30 ultra the capability to remove dirt off carpets and rugs and hard floors. It's also capable of reaching narrow stairs and other obstacles that are usually difficult to clean with other robot vacuums and mop.

Another distinctive feature of the dreamebot l30 ultra is its AI-powered navigation. The sophisticated AI Action uses a RGB camera and 3D structure light to quickly discover your home's layout, tailor cleaning strategies, and automatically generate routes. It can also detect the kinds of floors, obstacles, and rooms to ensure every area is cleaned thoroughly. This is an enormous improvement over the older X20 Pro, which had problems with certain objects and had a tendency to miss areas.


The Dreame bot l30 Ultra is easy to use and comes with smart features. The robot uses intelligent sensing to automatically adjust to the layout of your house and the flooring types. For instance, when it switches from vacuuming to mopping, the robot will detect carpets and either avoid them or lift the mop to 10.5 millimeters to prevent it from touching the carpet. This feature prevents the floor from becoming scratchy or sticky. can also detect obstacles and furniture that are in its path. It will then move away from them or move around them if needed. It may even leave its mop behind at the base station, if it is unable to raise it high enough for it to remove carpets.

The dreamebot L30 ultra has a 2.7-inch touchscreen that makes navigation a breeze. You can also control its functions through the app. The app allows you to look at your floor plan and set the exact route. You can also change the robot's behaviour if necessary. You can also disable the camera and other privacy-sensitive features. However, this does take away a lot of the robot's functionality.

The Dreamebot l30 ultra is among the most advanced robots available on the market. It is equipped with powerful artificial intelligence and a large battery for hands-free operation over long periods of time. It can last for up to 75 days before having to empty its 3.2L dust bag or replenish its water tank. The robot can detect when the mops need to be cleaned and will automatically return to its base station to refill them and wash them. This is one of the reasons it was a top-rated robotic in 2023.

Battery life

The Dreamebot X30 Ultra robot vacuum and mop is a great combo with smart features such as room-sensing technology, app control, and Siri integration. Its onboard capacity and price are a bit expensive however, it is a good performer and is simple to install and use.

Its sensors are also smart and a camera is used to detect objects and the robot employs an 3D structured lighting obstacle avoidance system and AI to navigate around objects. These sensors, along with the MopExtend RoboSwing Technology, ensure that corners, nooks, and even that gap between chair and table leg are kept clean.

The app also allows users to turn on the robot camera, which turns it into a security camera. It can take pictures or videos of your home as it cleans. Users can also control the robot using voice commands with Apple's Siri or Amazon's Alexa or Google Assistant to control the Dreamebot X30 Ultra - though only basic functions such as 'start', 'stop' and 'pause' are available.

The Dreamebot X30 Ultra needs some maintenance. This includes changing the water tank and cleaning solution. There's a small amount of cleaner inside the box but you'll have to buy more for ongoing use. The design of the mop pad is such that it minimizes hair entanglement. However, you'll still need to wash them in a machine once every 60 days. Also, you'll need to empty the tower mop bath and clean the ramp. Keeping them up-to-date will help you get the most benefit from your Dreamebot X30 Ultra.


The Dreame 2 is different from the earlier generation of Dreame robot vacuum cleaners this model has a sophisticated mopping system with rotating napkins and heated water. It also connects to the water and sewerage supply, allowing for automatic detergent mixing. This makes wet cleaning easier.

The mops are extremely effective they can remove dirt and sludge with little effort. The navigation system is efficient in identifying space after the first pass and delivering a smooth clean. The app is simple to use and allows users to organize and schedule tasks with ease. In the settings, you can turn off privacy-sensitive features, such as object recognition AI and remote controls using the camera.

The Dreamebot L30 Ultra is one of the top robot cleaners on the market that offers advanced functionality and a powerful artificial intelligence. Its massive base station and battery ensure that it will run for long stretches without the need for maintenance. It left our floors smelling and looking fresh. However, its round shape meant that it couldn't reach every corner. A vacuum cleaner and broom will be required in hard-to-reach spaces.

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