Reiki healing therapy, pronounced 'raykee', is the ancient art of healing energy imbalances in the body which may manifest themselves emotionally or physically and is popular as a form of complimentary alternative therapy. Reiki practitioners themselves must be well trained and have to undergo a process of attunement to be able to practice their art and provide healing therapy for others.
Energy is transferred during attunement in the form of symbols of power, mental and emotional and distance. This can be used as a guide to heal others. This form of therapy treats a range of problems arising from emotional and mental scarring. It can help to counter physical conditions such as asthma and injuries through to mental disorders arising through depression and addiction.
During the session, which can last between thirty to ninety minutes, the patient is instructed to sit or lie in a comfortable position. This is a matter of personal choice and the practitioner lightly guides the hands over the patient. There is no hands-on contact, but the patient is supposed to benefit from the practitioner's energy.
The experience is sometimes reported as a warm, tingly sensation followed by a feeling of inner calm and serenity. Patients may respond in an emotional way to the treatment because their chakras are blocked. Reiki Columbus Ohio The idea is that the reiki healing therapy can unblock old wounds and heal. After treatment patients should begin to feel the positive results and feel healthier and happier. Treatments can lead to increased vitality, peace and self-acceptance.
Practitioners can be found in most major cities and can be used to treat most conditions. Patients may want to combine the benefits of the healing therapy with a detox to cleanse the body and eliminate harmful substances such as nicotine, caffeine and alcohol from the body.
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