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If you haven't started a menu direct mailing strategy to find new customers, you are most definitely missing out on the opportunity to bring in hundreds of sales. The response from customers to menu direct mail is extremely high for restaurant businesses even if you are not a takeout service provider or if you offer a different kind of takeout. Menu direct mail brings your business to the customer without them having to leave the comfort of their own home. That means they get to see your business, what you have to offer and more just by picking up a well balanced and thought out menu flyer from their door. With the right flyer printing design your menu direct mail advertising can bring in new customers to your business literally overnight.

Even if you already utilise the advertising benefits of a full flyer printing program for your business menus, without the proper distribution methods you could be missing out on potential customers. You should always make sure you know which houses are family homes, which are student accommodations and which are comprised of self contained flats. If you don't know this you could be missing out on many customers simply because you aren't providing enough menus through their main door. Whereas a family home will be happy with just one takeout menu from your business, a student accommodation will all share the same front door but will want a separate menu for each person inside. Students that live together aren't necessary closely linked with the other students in their home and may have their own separate circle of friends. Likewise, some houses are actually converted into various self contained flats and therefore the residents will each require their own separate copy of your menu. Menu direct mailing means directly getting the menu of your business to potential customers so you need to firstly make sure you are mailing the menu out to everyone and not just one per door.

In addition to this, make sure that you are mailing to everyone who is within your delivery area and ensure all staff clearly know exactly what this delivery area is. If you are handing out menu's to one side of a street, it's no extra trouble to hand out on the other side as well and it won't affect delivery costs so make sure you always include both sides of the street for your menu direct mailing. It is also important therefore, that if you hand out menus to an area you make sure that you can deliver to that area. Takeout Times reviews The last thing you want is a customer clutching a menu in anticipation and a phone to their ear asking you for service and you replying "sorry we don't deliver there". Menu direct mailing has to be effectively completed within your delivery area or this will reflect badly upon your business as a whole. It is also worth considering in this situation, the exact location of the customer. If the customer is just a street away from your outer limits, round the corner or just a few feet up it's worth bending the rules just this once. The customer obviously wants to buy from you and if it's close enough to the outer limits of your delivery area to walk to their home from there you may as well. This will reflect positively on your business, will probably ensure future custom from them and may even get you more tips if you tell the customer you will be happy to bend the rules for them (but keep it a secret!).


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