Forums » Help » Mob dying


i spawned a mob riding a skeleton horse and it keeps dying out of nowhere. this is the command i used:

/summon skeletonhorse ~ ~2 ~ {Passengers:[{id:witherskeleton,PersistenceRequired:1,Rotation:[178f,0f],HandItems:[{Count:1,id:diamondsword,tag:{display:{Name:Excalibur,Lore:["Defeated many enemies with ease, or so the stories go."]},ench:[{id:16,lvl:5},{id:19,lvl:2},{id:21,lvl:3},{id:34,lvl:3}]}},{Count:1,id:shield,tag:{display:{Name:"King Arthur's Trusty Shield",Lore:["Shield used in battle by the legendary King Arthur"]},ench:[{id:34,lvl:3}]}}],ArmorItems:[{Count:1,id:diamondboots,tag:{display:{Name:"King Arthur's Boots",Lore:["Boots worn by the legendary King Arthur."]},ench:[{id:2,lvl:4},{id:3,lvl:4},{id:34,lvl:3}]}},{Count:1,id:diamondleggings,tag:{display:{Name:"King Arthur's Leggings",Lore:["Leggings worn by the legendary King Arthur."]},ench:[{id:3,lvl:4},{id:34,lvl:3}]}},{Count:1,id:diamondchestplate,tag:{display:{Name:"King Arthur's Breastplate",Lore:["Breastplate worn by the legendary King Arthur."]},ench:[{id:3,lvl:4},{id:34,lvl:3}]}},{Count:1,id:diamond_helmet,tag:{display:{Name:"King Arthur's Helm",Lore:["Helmet worn by the legendary King Arthur."]},ench:[{id:3,lvl:4},{id:6,lvl:1},{id:34,lvl:3}]}}],CustomName:"The Skeletor",HandDropChances:[1.0f,1.0f],ArmorDropChances:[1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f],ActiveEffects:[{Id:1,Amplifier:1,Duration:999999},{Id:5,Amplifier:1,Duration:999999},{Id:6,Amplifier:0,Duration:999999},{Id:10,Amplifier:0,Duration:999999},{Id:21,Amplifier:0,Duration:999999},{Id:22,Amplifier:0,Duration:999999}]}]}

please help im on 1.12.2 if that helps at all.


I get exactly the same error on 1.12.2. the impossible quiz


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