Forums » Help » Manuals for preparation of detailed project report for rural piped water supply schemes by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation


The works have to done maintaining appropriate standards and quality of the schemes, and ensure their completion in time. The manuals are prepared keeping in mind the activities mentioned in the 12th five year plan. As per the plan the aim is to improve full population coverage in all habitations taking into consideration aspects of quantity, quality, distance, timeliness, regularity and reliability of supply by the implementing agencies so as to ensure reasonable and reliable water supply to all including the poorest sections. One of the important recommendations stated in the plan document is to aim to cover at least 55% of the total rural households with “piped water supply schemes", with house connection.

The manuals will be of use to the state government department, implementing agencies to plan, design, construction and maintain the piped water supply schemes.

The contents of the manuals are as follows:

Location of the project Project execution and design period Population Water demand Present status of water supply and sanitation Institutional set up and details of formation of VWSC Details of preparation of water safety and security plans Proposed scheme – Details of scheme components Cost estimates Life-cycle cost approach Operation and maintenance Water quality monitoring IEC and HRD activities Other designs norms & practices Scheme completion schedule Completion reports Approval of projects Click below to download the manuals:

Share4 Attachment Manual for preparation of detailed project report for rural piped water supply schemes- MDWS (2012) Manual for preparation of detailed project report for rural piped water supply schemes-MDWS (2013) Topic Conservation - Reducing Water UsageContamination, Pollution and QualityQuality, Standards and TestingTreatment and PurificationDesalinationGeogenic ContaminationFluorideArsenicChemical PollutionBiological PollutionDrinking and other Domestic UsesGroundwaterHealthSustainabilityWater ManagementTechnology


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