Forums » Help » Hair Transplant for Women: Can It Help with Female Pattern Baldness?


Hair thinning is a frequent issue among both guys and girls, and it might have a significant effect on self-confidence and over all quality of life. Luckily, advances in medical technology have made it possible to deal with hair thinning through a variety of solutions, including hair implant surgery. In this short article, we shall discover what hair implant is, how it performs, and what to expect if you should be considering that procedure.

What is a hair implant?

A hair implant is a precise process that involves moving hair from one the main human anatomy (typically the trunk or edges of the head) to an area that's encountering hair loss. The procedure involves eliminating small parts of skin comprising hair follicles (known as grafts) from the donor site and transplanting them to the beneficiary website, where hair is thinning or balding. Hair transplant surgery is normally done under regional anesthesia, and patients are usually able to go back house the same day.

How can it perform?

You can find two major types of hair transplant procedures: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular device extraction (FUE).

Follicular System Transplantation (FUT)

In FUT, the doctor eliminates a reel of skin from the rear or side of the head, and then separates it into personal hair follicles below a microscope. These personal follicles, named grafts, are then transplanted in to the balding or thinning areas of the scalp.

Follicular Model Removal (FUE)

FUE requires harvesting specific hair follicles immediately from the head using a little strike tool. The follicles are then transplanted in to the beneficiary website, similar to in FUT. Unlike FUT, there is you should not remove a reel of epidermis, and there is on average less scarring and a faster healing time.

What to anticipate throughout and following the procedure?

Before the task, the doctor will consult with the individual to find out the very best strategy based on the level of baldness, the donor site, and other factors. Patients are usually encouraged to avoid taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, in the days before the task to reduce bleeding.

During the process, the in-patient is provided local anesthesia, and the physician removes the donor grafts and transplants them to the person site. Along the procedure differs with respect to the degree of the hair thinning and the number of grafts needed.

Following the process, people may experience some swelling, soreness, and scabbing around the beneficiary site. It is essential in order to avoid itching or choosing at the scabs, as this can increase the danger of contamination or injury to the grafts. People should also prevent challenging task or exercise for several days following the procedure.

Hair development typically begins within a couple of months after the task, with full results apparent within 6-12 months. The transplanted hair follicles should continue to grow for the rest of the patient's life.


Hair implant surgery is definitely an effective way to deal with hair restoration loss and increase self-confidence. While the procedure does include some risks and a healing period, it's usually safe and well-tolerated. If you're contemplating hair implant surgery, it is important to consult with a qualified physician to determine the best method for your individual wants and goals. With care and follow-up, hair transplant surgery can provide lasting effects and a richer head of hair.