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Choose from thousands of art replicas by the world's most renowned artists. Hand-painted, museum reproduction oil paintings. Hundreds more painters to choose from in our art gallery. Any art movement, any style, any subject, and any size. Anything you see, anywhere, anytime, take a photograph and send it to us. A photo from a decorating magazine, art in a hotel lobby, even street art you see. We turn your photos into art. A custom, made-to-order work of fine art for you. Look at some ideas for where to get inspiration.

The most famous artists and the most famous oil paintings. Professional artists of the handmade pieces will make a museum-quality painting reproduction for you with size and frame options. Don't hesitate to share with us your art requirements.

I’ve often heard artists lament how much they hate painting commissioned portraits. I never understood why. After all, a commission is a guaranteed sale, meaning the artist doesn’t have to work hard to find a buyer or split their profit with a gallery or broker. The artist doesn’t have to generate the idea for the work completed on their own or even store the painting until it sells.

So I started asking artists what it is about commissions that they hate so much. They described to me a process of tortured meetings where collectors make endless changes to the originally described project, budget or deadlines; pressured painting sessions under the shadow of collectors as they scrutinize each brush stroke; endless changes to finished works; and even knocking down doors to get paid. 

Well, goodness, I would hate commissions too if that was what they looked like for me. Let me walk you through the commission process I offer to collectors and invite you to take on any or all parts of my approach. Hopefully, you will have more success with commissions and they will be more fun for both you and your clients. 

Their stories will surprise and entertain you; some are sad, and some are unbelievable. Some were poor, some were renowned in their lifetimes, and others only after their early deaths. Read their fascinating biographies and see their many works of art reproduced here.

See the locations where the artists set up their easels to paint. Look at side-by-side photo comparisons of the sites and their artwork. Also included in this section are the new Tilt-Shift photos of famous oil paintings, including tilt-shift Van Gogh and many others.


Oil portraits. A beautiful gift for life. Oil portraits in any dimension you want. No signal or advance. información acá


I agree oil paintings are totally worthwhile as there is nothing to compare this handwriting to. I really liked the monet paintings I found at, for a very interesting price, and I thought about buying some nice oil paintings for my home. I want to admire paintings not only in galleries but also at home. If you are interested in it I advise you to read more about it.