Forums » Help » Command suggestions please...


Please suggest command creations that you and other people would like.

I'm not good at coming up with good ideas which really sucks cause I used to be creative.

And don't suggest too extreme stuff please. Suggest things you think are possible.

Also suggest things that are good ideas and aren't boring.

I don't create potion commands because I know what all of the effects are and it's boring for me.


Some ideas.

  1. A big house.
  2. Boss mobs (like a more powerful spider jockey)

2nd idea, maybe but I will want to customize it a lot.

But the 1st one, I'm not a good builder, not one bit.


1st one: you have to use the /fill command,


ok so in a world where I was building a large castle, I decided to goof off with some commands. one of the commands (and the last on that world) was this /execute @e[type=Snowball] ~ ~ ~ summon Snowball this caused a snowball I threw to spawn more snowballs that spawned more snowballs and so on and so forth. Needless to say my game crashed and now I can play friday night funkin mod no download

does anyone know how I can recover my world, I have a good 20+ hrs building in it (I know it isn't much but it would still be nice to recover)