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From styling distinct spaces, conceptualizing interior design ideas to designing luxury lifestyles, best interior design companies in Delhi extend a repertoire of customized interior designs, quality craftsmanship and aesthetic design sense to create unique pieces of art. Diviana by Kapil Chopra is one of the best interior designers in Delhi NCR who believes that true styling is way beyond all the sheen and show! It involves designing the space in the best possible way, while still keeping it functional and emotive redefining a new statement of luxury creating the elegance you always dreamt of. Check out his five secrets to luxury interior design to bring your dream home interiors to life. Adding Gold to your furniture makes it look rich It's as if you can touch the heavens with the invigorating cool of gold and pair it with the design that is intricate and detailed. How far you want to take things, depends on your preference for either an opulent or restrained look. Adding drama and contrast to spaces by infusing different shapes, textures, patterns and finishes, highs and fabrics with shades Gold accents and design elements that induce the look with class and a sense of luxury. Img credit: Diviana Interiors Like these beautiful pieces of art infused with brass accents, in-lays, furniture structure elements and accessories in the shades of gold which will make it look rich and luxurious. Choosing the right Chandelier Img credit: Diviana Interiors Nothing can make a room more attractive or more luxurious than a beautiful, unique chandelier. When most people think of chandeliers, they think of very classically styled foyers, dining rooms, and sitting rooms. The truth is, however, that there are also a wide variety of Contemporary Chandeliers that will look as great in modern-styled rooms as the more traditional Crystal Chandeliers will look in rooms with more vintage styling. A chandelier is a great way to provide not just light to a room, but grandeur. Luxury lighting makes an impression that lesser options just can’t touch. Adding drama, intrigue and that elusive wow-factor, luxury fixtures are conversation pieces, status symbols and modern artwork with a functional purpose. Feature Wall - Gold touch A feature wall for your living room will help you to take the plunge into modern luxury living. Whether it’s to help you highlight a period fireplace or to draw attention to a less-obvious aspect of the room, a feature wall can be your sitting room’s saviour. A wall-to-wall bookshelf case, a floor to ceiling dresser, a full-height drinks cabinet – all of these grand furniture pieces can grant a wall the feature status. Let this be the area where most of your decorative pieces go, where you want to define the personality of your room. For example, a book-case displays a very different point of view to one showcasing curious spirits and barware. Img credit: Diviana Interiors The patterns are really something to behold and the Gold Brass aesthetics with the marble stone really makes it a strong feature living room wall. The Brass can be finished in many different metal finishes, creating a truly unique and jaw-dropping feature wall. The right Accessorization Img credit: Diviana Interiors If you took the time to choose beautiful accessories & home decor statement pieces don’t hide it! Put it on plain sight and give it the love it deserves, if it’s a utility item use it. If you have more than one statement piece in mind, don't assume you have to choose only one. It's possible to work in more than one item that attracts attention in a room, you just have to put some distance between them. Center Table Img credit: Diviana Interiors When it comes to decorating a living room you cannot forget this important element that occupies the most important part of your living area. Or at least the most visible one. And when it comes to choosing a center table, you’ll never be out of options. Since wooden center tables to contemporary coffee tables with glass covers or metallic elements, all the living room furniture choices are on you.