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"Cialis tablets are powerful,Originated from having many precious Chinese medicine ingredients " . 威而鋼 . "Cialis Tablet is a nourishing high-end health care product for men with renal overdraft.,The main function is to warm the yang and nourish the kidney.And as the first choice for kidney-tonifying health products,Many friends want to know how effective Shenbao tablets are,Let's take a look together.

Cialis tablets are powerful,Inseparable from the control of the quality of raw materials

As"China's top 500 private enterprises in manufacturing",Huiren Pharmaceutical will"Kindness"Implemented to all links of production,Not only provide consumers with high-quality products,Control product quality from the source.In order to ensure the quality of its products,Huiren Pharmaceutical spends a lot of costs every year to operate the planting base.

Huiren insists on purchasing from the origin of high-quality medicinal materials,Scientifically formulated a base-based procurement policy for medicinal materials;on the other hand,Huiren promoted in the producing area of ​​Chinese medicinal materials"Company + Cooperative + Farmer"Planting pattern,Encourage medicinal farmers to plant medicinal materials in a standardized manner,Guarantee the high quality of medicinal materials from the root.Not only that,Huiren is gradually in Jiangxi,Hubei,Xinjiang and other provinces and cities have established a GAP base of 100,000 acres,Realize standardized planting,Gradually formed the resource advantage of key raw materials.

Good herbs,Medicine is good.After the traditional Chinese medicine preparations are purchased from the original medicinal materials into the factory,According to the production process,Need to be washed,cut,dry,Traditional Chinese medicine processing such as crushing,And then by extracting,Concentration process to obtain traditional Chinese medicine extract,Finally, it is sent to the preparation workshop to make oral liquid preparations,tablet,Different dosage forms of Chinese medicine products such as capsule products and pills.In this strict production chain,Huiren has started high-density safety quality control since the medicinal materials entered the factory.

Cialis tablets are powerful,Inseparable from the fine inspection of product quality

Although the raw materials have been carefully cultivated,Quality has an advantage,But there may still be pesticide residues.Strict quality testing is the standard that affects the efficacy of Cialis Tablets.Ingredients for raw materials,Huiren also has its own testing program.After the medicinal materials arrive,Huiren's quality inspection department will conduct component testing on medicinal materials,Testing technology strictly in accordance with 2015"Chinese Pharmacopoeia》Requirements,Detection of pesticide residues and heavy metals in raw materials,At the same time, testing standards have been added,Strengthen the inspection of drug batches,Improve the safety of medicines.Not only that,The quality inspection department of Huiren will also observe the cells,To ensure that the quality of medicinal materials meets standards,Quality control from the source,Carefully select every Chinese medicine.

Quality-oriented Huiren Pharmaceutical,Established strict selection criteria,Control the planting bases of Chinese medicinal material manufacturers from the source,Provenance of medicinal materials,Strict review and screening of harvesting,Eliminate the inflow of low-quality raw materials.From the source to the production and processing,Huiren has established a complete and safe production chain,Select from authenticity,Base source determination,Planting management,Harvesting,Primary processing,Six dimensions of packaging, storage and transportation to carry out the whole process quality control,Strictly guarantee product quality" . 如何提高性欲 .