Forums » General » pain o soma for instant relieve from muscles pain.


Pain O Soma is a prescription pain reliever used to treat musculoskeletal discomfort. Soma can be taken alone or in combination with other drugs. Soma is a Skeletal Muscle Relaxant, which means it relaxes your muscles. It is unknown whether Soma is safe and effective in children under the age of 16. Geriatric patients should not take Soma.


SOMA is prescribed for the alleviation of pain and discomfort caused by acute musculoskeletal disorders in adults.

Use Restrictions Because substantial proof of benefit for longer usage has not been shown and because acute, painful musculoskeletal problems are often of short duration, SOMA should only be taken for short periods (up to two or three weeks).It also has some different variants available to relieve pain are pain o soma 500mg, pain o soma 350mg, prosoma 350mg, etc.