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library preparation sequencing - CD Genomics accepts customers' prepared libraries for sequencing. You can submit the libraries for full QC test and use our sequencing-only service. We provide the most advanced and powerful sequencing platforms with different capacities and read lengths to fit any project scale, budget, and turnaround.


dna mapping - To address the emerging needs of research communities, CD Genomics has developed an affordable, reliable genetic linkage map service based on high-throughput sequencing to get dense markers and give researchers a high-quality genetic linkage map, as well as professional data analysis.


genome sequence analysis - CD Genomics provides whole genome sequencing data analysis service. We can mine the genetic variation at the DNA level based on the whole genome sequencing data by virtue of the excellent bioinformatic analysis technology. Our unique skills in data analysis can meet customers' personalized data analysis needs and provide you with comprehensive data analysis results.


whole transcriptome rna sequencing - CD Genomics is a whole transcriptome sequencing data analysis provider. We use bioinformatics to explore the interaction between mRNA and non-coding RNA in organisms quickly and accurately. Our high-quality data analysis platform will be used to generate high-quality analysis results in a fast analysis cycle.


minion data analysis - Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Technology (ONT) enables real-time sequencing of native strands of interest without optics or amplification, and its data has been shown to efficiently and cost-effectively improve de novo genome assemblies, structural genomic variants, and more.


sequencing data bioinformatics - The use of long-read sequencing technologies has risen dramatically as sequencing costs have decreased and accuracy and throughput have continued to advance. CD Genomics is a leading global life sciences company. We specialize in the application of long-read sequencing technologies, including Oxford Nanopore and PacBio SMRT sequencing.


fungal community sequencing its - We offer comprehensive fungal ITS sequencing services to analyze the structure and relative abundance of fungal communities in complex samples by using the next/third generation sequencing technology


faecal sample collection kit - CD Genomics provides superior MicroCollect™ Stool Sample Collection Device for high-quality microorganism recovery from stool samples.


chip seq data analysis - ChIP-Seq, short for Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing, is a next-generation based sequencing method to comprehensively study the interaction between proteins and DNA. It takes advantage of the specificity of the antigenic antibody response to provide a fidelity reflection of the binding of protein factors to genomic DNA in vivo.


rna bisulfite sequencing - RNA bisulfite sequencing (RNA BS-seq) is a next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based to accurately detect m5C, DNA methylation extensively exists in the human transcriptome. Our RNA BS-seq service is dedicated to providing a relatively fast, robust, and cost-effective method for the analysis of methylated cytosine at nucleotide resolution in different types of RNA.