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Hi all, do you think Christian Bale used pharma in his preparation for the Batman movie?


Christian Bale is known to all as the master of transformation. When I watched his movie The Machinist, I honestly thought he was terminally ill and this is his last role. But when I read on the news that it was his idea to get into character, I relaxed. And how happy I was when I saw Christian Bale gaining muscle mass in the Batman movie. I was genuinely happy for him and the film is a real masterpiece. Was pharma used? I think yes, it's very difficult to gain that amount of pure muscle mass in a short amount of time. In such cases, the pharmaceutical companies are providing substantial support.


Every actor is pushing himself to the limit. Remember Sylvester Stallone in Rocky 3. I mean, he was like a razor. And in Rocky 4, he hasn't lost his form. But you'd have to be a real fanatic to be one.