Forums » General » In layman language how does the system ATS software work?


in simple terms the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software works as follows:

  1. Receiving Applications: Imagine an ATS software as a big digital filing cabinet where job applications are stored. When someone applies for a job at a company, their application – typically a resume and cover letter – gets sent to the ATS.

  2. Organizing Candidates: The ATS organizes these applications, almost like sorting them into different folders based on the job they applied for, their skills, and other relevant information. This makes it easy for recruiters to find and review candidates when they're ready to hire.

  3. Scanning Resumes: The ATS doesn't just store applications; it also helps recruiters search through them. It can scan resumes for keywords related to the job opening, like specific skills or qualifications. This helps recruiters quickly find candidates who are the best match for the job.

  4. Managing the Hiring Process: As candidates move through the hiring process – from screening to interviews to job offers – the ATS keeps track of everything. It schedules interviews, sends out automated emails to candidates, and keeps recruiters organized so they know who they've talked to and what stage of the process each candidate is in.

  5. Staying Compliant: The ATS helps companies stay compliant with hiring laws and regulations. It can track important information like diversity statistics and ensure that the hiring process is fair and consistent for all candidates.

Overall, think of the ATS as a helpful assistant to recruiters and staffing agency in Madison, organizing job applications, helping find the best candidates, and keeping everything running smoothly throughout the hiring process.