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Are you feeling helpless because of the occurrence of QuickBooks Error 6150 1006? No worries, you may face this error, when you are not capable to open the company file. However, you don’t need to get worried as it can be easily sorted out with the help of this content.

What are the Causes behind the occurrence of QuickBooks Error 6150, 1006?

Check out some of the reasons for the software error and then look for the solutions to resolve it: 1. Might be, any sort of damage or corrupt to the QuickBooks installation lead to the occurrence of this error. 2. QuickBooks error codes 6150 1006 can be seen when you struggle to open a portable file, without opening the QB software. 3. Malware or virus threats could become the cause of the software error. 4. Wrong typed extension for QuickBooks file. 5. This error could be visible in case you try to save the QuickBooks Macintosh file.

Procedures to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Error Code -6150

Take a look at each method to fix the particular software error:

Method 1: Restore from Backup

1. Proceed to the ‘QuickBooks’ and then click on the file 2. With this, you are required to ‘open’ or restore company. 3. Now, click on apply to restore a ‘backup copy’. 4. And then hit the ‘next’ option. 5. Next, simply choose for the ‘local backup’ 6. Go ahead and then click on the ‘Next’ tab. 7. With this, opt for the ‘location’ of the company file backup. 8. After this, select ‘the backup’ option, which will be available with .qbb extension. 9. With this, hit on the open and ‘Next’ button. 10. Proceed to the save-in drop-down menu. 11. Browse for an ideal place to restore the ‘backup file’. 12. Thereafter, you have to type a ‘new company file name’. 13. Your next step is to check that the ‘save as field’ is automatically saved to restore file in ‘.qbw format’ or not. 14. The next step is to select ‘Yes’. 15. Finally type ‘Yes’.

Method 2: Hunt for CryptoWall

  1. Initially, open the ‘Windows Start menu’ on your system.
  2. Secondly, type ‘file explorer’ into the shown search box.
  3. After this, check out for QuickBooks folder, which might be seen in ‘C: drive’.
  4. Lastly, search for the file that has words like ‘instructions’ or ‘decrypt’.

In Short

Troubleshooting QuickBooks Error 6150 1006 is not at all a time consuming process for you. You can take the help of the software experts in case you get stuck while implementing the above methods to fix (QuickBooks error -6150, -1006).

To know other methods for fixing QuickBooks Error 6150 1006, dial QuickBooks Premier Support Phone Number.