Forums » General » How To Be A Nerd


So, you want to be a nerd? Well, good for you! Nerd's can be great fun but, you're going to want to first figure out what type of nerd your going to be. You can get a good idea of the type nerd you want to be by studying various famous Nerd Quotes which can give you an idea of how you'd look at yourself and the world around you. Just remember that Nerd's are like any other social groups. (e.g. Jock's, Burnout's, Cheerleader's )They all have their own positive and negative attributes and are no better or worse than anyone else. They are unique in their character and are not the easiest persona to play!

Now, let us begin by identifying our potential nerd personality...

The Genius Nerd

"Yes, my life is circumscribed, but I manage to avoid stress. I've achieved a delicate balance, and as long as I can maintain it, I feel less inclined to ending it." - Boris Yellnikoff This nerd is quite common, he's very moody, quick to anger, and always annoyed about something. They're usually busy scripting or coding something important and don't have time for idle chit chat with those that just don't get it. He or She is usually quite obsessive and can sometimes be tough to communicate with. They tend to look down on others with lower IQ but won't admit it. These nerds, although, often moody, are quite happy being who they are and would never trade in their IQ in to be one of the lower species.

Other Traits

You believe that others should spend more time listening to your brilliance rather than talking. Always puts aside time to correct someone. (e.g. Grammar, Spelling ) If your having a debate with someone and they don't have their facts straight they should be disregarded as slugs. When angered, you should make use of your sometimes witty personality and belittle them with hard to comprehend jokes and insults Your going to have to own at least 1 book of each on html, scripting, and Linux To be this nerd your going to have to get others to feel sorry for you. As your life is so complex that nobody seems to understand you. Usually avoiding close friends for a few days does the trick. When they ask you why your avoiding them you simply state that your working on an important project. It adds to the mystery of the Genius Nerd The Book Nerd

"This is the first time anyone has ever sat next to me since I successfully lobbied to have the school day extended by twenty minutes." - Martin Prince He or She acts as a giant sponge always looking to soak up new information. They are open to communication but not usually the best at social functions and always feel like they are on they are on their own planet. Library nerds typically have 1 or 2 good friends and don't stray to far from that. They are mostly quiet and shy, of course, unless a topic is brought up they know a lot about.

Other Traits

Spend most of your free time at the library or at home studying. Be sure to purchase a telescope and, or, obtain at least 1 photo or poster of a recognized scientist. Your not going to often want to try new things. Having things play out the same day after day is very comforting for you. You enjoy a good debate but, don't usually get worked up over the outcome. Avoids crowds at all costs. Combing your hair everyday is not acceptable Be sure, if in school to always have the worst looking backpack in existence. Never be seen walking around without carrying at LEAST 2 books. The Fantasy Nerd

"I just activated my w.o.w account again. Just in time for my pc to break down, a sign from god, a test to determine how dedicated I am...I accepted the challenge! - Unknown

If you are seeking to learn from this nerd to better understand his personality they are not hard to track down. If they're not busy in their basement organizing a 100 man raid for World of Warcraft, scheming of a 101 ways to kill your party as a Dungeon Master in a dice game, they will most likely be found at any comic con, game convention, or Video Game Fan Fair. Fantasy Nerds are very intelligent but don't tend to flaunt their IQ around to make others feel unworthy. They are the most social of the Nerds and adapt well to change.

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