Make certain you value and allow rest and recovery time. Many believe that if an intense workout feels good and will build muscle quickly, then the smart thing to do is to exercise even more. Muscle builds when exercise tears the muscle down, because it recovers as newer, stronger muscle. Without that recovery time, your muscles absolutely cannot increase in size or strength. Beginners usually start with three workouts per week and the duration and frequency can increase as they grow in strength and power but your body will respond more quickly and more dramatically if allowed to rest during strenuous activities.
Dude, that's a little different. If you want to play sports, then you do it. If you need to cook and constantly clean up, buy yourself a vacuum cleaner or better to cleanse your brain and body as a whole. You will pump muscles while you clean up, and then drink water from thirst, which will replace your food. Look, you will lose weight and you can just look better. Just think you will kill two birds with one stone. If you want to always be in good shape at the same time, then it is better to cook and squat at the same time, or you can also watch instructive programs so that your thoughts can rest and your head does not ache for such questions about sports.