Forums » General » Getting through the day with tennis elbow


Tennis elbow can make certain daily tasks more challenging. It’s in your interest to have a friend or loved one make sure daily objects you need to use will be in easy-to-reach places for you so you can avoid straining your elbow.

Additionally, you can ice your elbow a few times a day to help reduce inflammation and soothe the pain. Apply a wrapped ice pack to the elbow for about 15 minutes. You should wait at least an hour before making another application of ice. Any more frequently than this and you can constrict the blood vessels, which causes more pain. You can wear a tennis elbow brace while playing tennis.

Also, you need to rest your arm. Don’t try to push through the pain just to get things done or prove to yourself that you’re tough. This will only make things worse. Take care of yourself and you should regain the use of your arm in a reasonable amount of time.