Forums » General » Do I need to change my desk for gaming?


I play games with the middle of my forearm on the edge of the table and since my elbow sits lower than the desk it applies pressure there, will this have consequences later on?

Any new gaming desks ideas?


Well, have you thought over any aspects before buying? First of all how much time you will spend sitting on this desk and playing games. I mean the level of comfort you want to get. Make sure that there are adjustable ´parts to the desk so that it can be customized for your specific needs. Sure think about money you are going to spend on it. You will be surprised to know that there are some models that are very expensive. So, it’s always a good idea to set a maximum budget for this purpose, but there is no need for you to spend as much as you can when you could find some great options within your budget at much lower prices than you might think. As for the particular examples I recommend to check this list and simply pick up the one that suits you the most


If you are going for a full rgb decked out setup, then yes it probably is. However, most desks out their are built for comfort and convenience and aren’t necessarily for looks. If you are on a budget or just don’t want to be dumb with your money, I would just get a normal desk. Once again it has to do with how you want your setup to look, but I’d say they usually aren’t worth it