I have tried everything. I've tried opening the app while MSI Afterburner is open and closed. I've tried running the program as an administrator. I've tried opening the app as an administrator/not an administrator while a game is open and while it's closed.
The task manager says that the Rivatuner app is running. But I see nothing on the screen, and I can't figure out how to make it appear. It used to work for me so I know what to look for.
I've tried installing a previous version of Rivatuner but every single time it just redirects me to 7.3.3, or it says it is a previous version but once I start the install wizard it says that it is in fact installing 7.3.3.
I have to think this is just some terminal error with the newest version, which can't be fixed because it's impossible to download a prior, working version of the software.