Forums » General » apple iMac refurbished


Does anybody have any experience purchasing apple iMac refurbished?

You get 15% off the "new " cost and they ordinarily accompany the first OS they were sold with (so Mojave Not Catalina) with full a warrantee.

For a machine actually being sold that came out this year, that appears to be a very decent arrangement for a Mac … I am contemplating getting a 27" mid-2019 8 centre i9 iMac with a 1 TB SSD… (and I need to begin playing with aide applications)

My present iMac is 6 years of age. My last one is 10 years of age and being utilized by another person in the family. Other than being restricted to High Serra, that 10-year-old machine, however still usable, is beginning to feel a bit pokey for general use…

I hear beneficial things about the new i9 machine so this may be a happy time for me to get another one, and have my present one supplant that 10-year-old machine…

So anyone here purchases Apple refurbs? Also, assuming this is the case has that turned out for you?

Much obliged