Forums » General » 5 Ways to Reach a Healthy Weight


Overweight is an increasingly common problem in our increasingly sedentary society with less need to use their physique to survive. However, that does not mean that being weight is harmless, since being overweight means opening the doors to many potential diseases and even ending up in a situation of obesity. Overweight and obesity are not simply a social, aesthetic problem as the media leads us to believe. Being overweight is a condition that can lead to numerous physical and psychological problems. The problem with all anti-overweight diets and protocols is that they focus on the now. They wield ultra-restrictive diets, with tons of exercise and that all it does is make you quit the first week. It is not about coercing the body to obey what you order, it is about listening to the body and changing your habits and your lifestyle to get rid of excess weight forever and feel good about your body and yourself.