Most teens and some adults as well, suffer from acne problems a lot. It can cause self esteem problems for those just growing up and having to deal with peer pressure. In older adults, it seems to be an embarrassment, because of the myth that it only happens in teens.
Aside from acne, dry skin can also be a real problem. It can make the skin look much older, much sooner than it should be.
The skin has the ability to keep us free from bacteria and other things that can cause us serious problems. We want to take care of it so it can work as designed.
Most of the time, pharmaceuticals products are the answer so we go to the nearest store to get some of the more advertized product. These may work sometimes and sometimes they do not. Of course, the reason is that we are all individuals and some things work better for some than others. A better to deal with these issues and more is to create beauty treatments with the use of natural ingredients.
Why you should go for it?
Truth be told some of the chemicals in commercial products create skin rashes and react with the skin to produce many other problems. The skin function to keep out harsh elements from the body. Putting more chemicals on the skin does not necessarily help the skin to accomplish that.
Natural ingredients work with the skin naturally so that they are not likely to produce unwanted reactions. Most of these recipes cost far less than the commercial ones. In most cases, you have the ingredients right there at home, in your kitchen.
You can't be too sure ofthe chemicals contained in some of the commercial products you see advertized but with natural ingredients you are 100% in the know what is in your product. Many of them are normal foods you eat. So they work naturally with the body to produce natural results. Best of all they work with all skin types dry, moist and what have you.
Sometimes the body rejects those products, that aren't natural. That means allergic reactions and rashes. Most natural products contain natural actives and do not as a rule react with your body.
The problems associated with skin are natural. It makes lots of sense to use a natural product to cure the problem. Many of the pharmaceutical companies have recognized this and have included natural ingredients such as honey in their products.
There aren't too many businesses that can honestly say they don't use chemicals. At the very least many businesses will have cleaning chemicals stored somewhere on site (not to mention old paint containers corresponding to every colour that the walls have ever been painted!). These chemical products can be responsible for a wide range of adverse health effects which could be immediate (e.g. burns or respiratory irritation) and/or long term (e.g. cancer). In order to use chemical products safely, it is critical that these effects be identified and understood so that corrective measures can be taken.