Forums » Discussions » What Is Wire EDM?


With modern wire EDM machines utilizing CNC (the Computer Control, or the brains of the machine if you will) for production, there is a user-interface device, the computer, where the worker will input the required data for design that will eventually guide the wire EDM machine during the passes and cuts in the process of creating the final product. Moreover, like any computer today, software is needed to run the equipment. This is no different in wire EDM. The CNC Controller and the software application comprise the wire edm machine filters technology.

In much the same way that many different software applications for word processing or email exist, so to are there numerous wire EDM technology software applications for wire EDM machine CNC controllers, nearly all of which integrate with varying AutoCAD or similar CAD/CAM software. Today, developers can create the object in AutoCAD, designing tensile strength, variances, etc. and provide that to a wire EDM shop that will then plug this design into the wire EDM Technology software, which will in turn drive the machine, turning out the final product.

Many industries benefit from wire EDM services. The medical and electronics industries both often have applications for micro wire EDM services. EDM machines are often used in the production of extrusion dies, punch dies, and even plastic injection mold work. The automotive, aerospace, defense, textiles, and many other industries all use parts that must be built on wire EDM machines. Wire EDM today has truly become a main stream production process.