We can learn a lot about the power of good advertising by stopping for a few minutes and looking closely at the Television, A lot of the adverts use voiceovers, they are actors, or voice specialists who do not just read the script in front of them, no, they bring it to life with great expression.
So how does this help us in the World of internet marketing, It is vitally important in this day and age to interact with our potential customers, hence the increasing use of video squeeze pages to capture the potential customers e-mail name and address. But all of this will count for nothing if the voiceover that is used sounds like a deep sea diver that has been breathing Helium all day. https://www.ingridvoiceover.com
In today's society the voiceover artist has a great effect on the buying public. If any proof was needed take a look at some of Disney's animations, or Wallace and Grommit with the voice of Peter Sallis as Wallis. They have been used to market all manner of things. The television and radio industries are probably the biggest users of voiceover artists, and for very good reason, it works.
So how can we use this in marketing on the internet, we could employ the services of others to make the voiceovers for our own sites, but that could incur some hefty costs as very often a simple two minute script can take as long as six hours to get it ready to broadcast. That will probably be beyond the means of most internet marketers.
A simple way to get around this would be to do it yourself. Dominic Littlewood is a wonderful character that can be found on English Television. I first heard him as a voiceover artist, before seeing him as a presenter that is well liked by the television viewers. The point I am about to make is this. He has a very strong London accent, but he speaks clearly and with emotion, so if he can do it, then I feel sure that you could probably do it too.
Just about anyone can become a voice over artist, but it does require some effort. You may have to change the way that you pronounce your words to ensure that they come out clearly. The easiest way to achieve this is to make a simple recording of your voice using your computer, or an Mp3 player. Record an advert that you hear on the radio or TV, type up the words forming the script, and then practice speaking it to get the inflections right (the emotions that the voiceover artist used in the original advert). Make sure that you stress the key words in the same way at the beginning. Once you have mastered the first script, change the way that you pronounce some of the words and listen closely when you play it back. You will clearly be able to hear why the original recording was made as it was.
Each time you must be objective about what you hear, practice changing the sounds that you make whilst looking in the mirror by altering the shape of your mouth. This will enable you to create a better quality sound, and always try to feel the emotion that you are trying to convey to the listener.