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Palo Alto Networks Systems Engineer (PSE) - Strata Associate Sample Questions (Q22-Q27):

How does Cloud Identity Engine (CIE) simplify deployment of cloudbased services to provide user authentication?

  • A. It authenticates users via a cloud-based service and refers to the hub for mappings for group identification.
  • B. It ensures that a compromised master key does not compromise the configuration encryption for an entire deployment.
  • C. It expands the capability to filter and forward decrypted and non-decrypted Transport Layer Security (TLS) traffic.
  • D. It allows configuration of an authentication source once instead of for each authentication method.

Answer: A
Which of the following is an advantage of the Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW)?

  • A. It identifies applications by port number and protocol.
  • B. Docker containers can be run on the hardware to add features.
  • C. It is well positioned in the network to do more than provide access control.
  • D. Customers can create their own mix of security vendor products.

Answer: C
Which traffic will be blocked when application-default service is set on a Security policy?

  • A. HTTPS traffic on TCP/443
  • B. DNS traffic on UDP/53
  • C. HTTP traffic on TCP/81
  • D. SSH traffic on TCP/22

Answer: C
Which two Cloud-Delivered Security Services (CDSS) would be appropriate for an organization that wants to secure internet traffic on a perimeter firewall? (Choose two.) Select 2 Correct Responses

  • A. WildFire
  • B. SD-WAN
  • C. Autonomous Digital Experience Management (ADEM)
  • D. Advanced URL Filtering (AURLF)

Answer: A,D
Which of the following is an appropriate first step for a customer interested in moving to Zero Trust?

  • A. Ask administrators to switch on the Zero Trust options and features of their current products.
  • B. Request a statement of compliance from their IT vendors against the Zero Trust standard.
  • C. Secure the funding required to incorporate the new architecture into their existing networks.
  • D. Set priorities by identifying the most valuable and critical assets and data on their networks.

Answer: B
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Quiz 2023 Palo Alto Networks PSE-Strata-Associate: Palo Alto Networks Systems Engineer (PSE) - Strata Associate – The Best Valid Dumps Ppt

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