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University of Northampton: Students share lockdown life in art

Life in สมัครสมาชิกสล็อต lockdown has caused many to feel caged, with millions of people across the UK having had familiar daily routines ripped away from them.

For students studying from home it has meant a loss of the usual networks of friends, or the formal face-to-face support offered by colleges or universities.

Illustration students at the University of Northampton have shared through their art the impact of trying to study during a global pandemic.

All admit it has been hard - but they are optimistic that brighter times are finally on the way.

In the students' own words and pictures, this is their experience of lockdown life.

Edward Winterberry, 26

"Studying at home has not been as easy as I thought it would have been," said Edward, from Brackley in Northamptonshire.

"I bury myself in my study to distract me from the pandemic crisis and the current dangers of being outside, but even then, the walls of my home feel like they are now slowly closing in.

"Without the ability to go out and create new experiences I have needed to draw creative inspiration from other sources, which has led me to rediscover my love for history and fantasy novels.

"I am eager to shake off this feeling of imprisonment and start moving forward."

Chloe Collett, 20

"My illustration represents the increase of sensory overload I have experienced while being locked down at home with my family over the last year," said Chloe, from Milton Keynes.

"I have always been OK with finding somewhere to be alone or to enjoy my own space... however, this has drastically changed over the last year.

"Instead of being in a classroom with my friends studying my degree or being at work constantly surrounded by other people, I am now at home, struggling to get through each day without a sense of normality or peace.

"Over the course of the last two lockdowns, working has been increasingly harder because one small sound that I haven't created myself puts me on edge.

"My only solitude from this is working in the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep."


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