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NEW QUESTION # 104 Which Queue Item properties can be used to control the order in which the items are processed? Options are :
A. Deadline
B. ItemInformation
C. Postpone
D. Priority
Answer: A,C NEW QUESTION # 105 What should you use to scrape tables from a web page? Options are :
A. Get OCR Text
B. Data Scraping
C. Get Text
D. Read Cell
Answer: B NEW QUESTION # 106 In UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework, what are the transitions of the Init state? Options are :
A. In the case of System Error, the transition is to the End Process state
B. In the case of System Error, the transition is to the Init state
C. In the case of Success, the transition is to the Get Transaction Data state
D. In the case of Success, the transition is to the Process Transaction state
Answer: A,C NEW QUESTION # 107 Which of the following types of variables can be defined in UiPath Studio? Options are :
A. Number
B. GenericValue
C. DataTable
Answer: A,B,C NEW QUESTION # 108 Can you insert a flowchart activity in a sequence activity? Options are :
A. No
B. Yes
Answer: B NEW QUESTION # 109 ......
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