Forums » Discussions » tooth pain


Because of smoking, my gums are inflamed.


Because you shouldn't treat information about the dangers of smoking as a joke.


You should see a doctor as soon as possible. Do not delay with this.


Nicotine constricts blood vessels in the area where inflammation should be actively combated, stopping the flow of essential substances. It is also not recommended to apply heat for all inflammatory processes, as this only intensifies them. Always consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. Better to spend a little money now than a huge amount over time. I found a site that debunks dental myths - If you are not properly dulling tooth pain, then very soon you will have to resort to more expensive and complex forms of treatment.ces.


Nicotine constricts blood vessels in the area where inflammation should be actively combated, stopping the flow of essential substances. It is also not recommended to apply heat for all inflammatory processes, as this only intensifies them. Always consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. Better to spend a little money now than a huge amount over time. I found a site that debunks dental myths - If you are not properly dulling tooth pain, then very soon you will have to resort to more expensive and complex forms of treatment.ces. I thought it was a myth that nicotine was bad for your teeth